27. fair

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Elliot had done exactly as Dr.Parilla had instructed and driven Olivia to the hospital. They had gotten her checked in and wheeled up to the sixth floor, where they had a suite ready for her. After getting changed into a gown and made comfortable, Olivia laid in bed as the doctor examined her.

"You lost too much fluid to protect the baby," she continued to probe around Olivia's swell. "We'll have to induce you today. I'm sorry Olivia," she placed a hand on her leg and squeezed.

"He's still so small..is he going to be okay?" Olivia said quietly as a few tears fell down her cheeks. Elliot sat next to her bed and laced his hand with hers, running his thumb along the back of it.

"I will be honest. His chance of survival is high, but there are still possibilities of some setbacks. We might have to keep him in the NICU for a little while depending on if he needs assistance in breathing, or latching on. We just won't know until he's here," Olivia nodded trying to soak in her words. "Don't worry Olivia. We've got an amazing team here to help you today, okay?" she switched the screen off from the sonogram, and took one last look at the telemetry papers monitoring their baby's heart. "I'm going to send Bianca in here to start the pitocin, and hopefully we can get some contractions going."

"Thanks doc," Elliot spoke up.

"Of course. You're gonna do great Olivia!" and with that she left the room.

"Olivia, are you doing okay?" she took a hold of his hand and squeezed onto it for dear life, inhaling and exhaling deep breaths. He rose to his feet immediately when he seen just how fast her own monitor has begun to speed up, realizing she was in the midst of a panic attack.

"Can you talk to me baby? Look at me," he was calm and held both of her hands in his, after calling for a nurse.

"I c-can't do this. I don't think I can ever do this," tears sprung from her eyes as her chest contracted, and both hers and the baby's rates rushed up. "A-Alex thought she could and she..this is how she died I-I can't!" she shook her head as the panic set deeper inside of her. Two nurses and the doctor rushed back in to assess the situation, overlooking her stats quickly.

"Olivia can you focus on breathing through your nose for me?" the nurse placed an oxygen mask over Olivia's face, breathing along with her. "That's good honey. Just like that," she breathed still holding onto Elliot's hands, looking into his eyes as the tears continued to fall from hers.

"I'm s-sorry!" she cried through the mask.

"You didn't do anything wrong," Dr.Parilla offered her a small smile and took another look at the baby's stats. "He got a little distressed there, but everything is okay," she came to Olivia's side and took a hold of her hand. The doctor was aware Olivia's anxiety was a lot more than just the aspect of delivering. "Keep breathing and I'll be back to check on you okay?" she patted the back of her hand and spoke to the nurses briefly before leaving.

"We'll start the pitocin drip now if you're okay?" Bianca, the nurse suggested. Olivia nodded and closed her eyes while she searched for a good vein to start the IV. Elliot stood next to her bed and ran his hand over her head, and holding onto her free hand. "You did great. It'll take a while for the drugs to kick in. We'll be back to check on your progress every 30 minutes to an hour, but please please call us if you need anything."

"I love you," she lifted the mask from her face, letting it fall in her lap.

"I love you too baby," Elliot kissed her forehead and sat on the side of the bed. "Let's keep this on for a little-"

"If something happens to me-" she gripped his forearm, her hand shaking just the slightest.

"It won't."

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