11. First

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Friday, June 28

"You brought me out to eat Italian?" Olivia questioned Elliot as they approached the mom and pop restaurant.

"I know if not anything, pasta is your go to for food," he placed his hand on her lower back, nudging her forward as he opened the door for her. "And this is the one place we haven't tried together," he leaned over to kiss her temple.

"A reservation under Stabler," the hostess nodded and led them back to the booth Elliot had requested. He noticed how almost every eye in the restaurant had ventured over to them- well Olivia. The black dress she wore had clung to every curve she owned. And he knew the moment they stepped out of the house, that every eye would be on her. He hated to admit that he was beginning to feel slightly territorial, somehow feeling the need to let it be known that Olivia was his.

"I love this already," Olivia said as Elliot slid in next to her. She appreciated him not going above and beyond for this date. She didn't need for them to eat at a five star restaurant, or get dressed up everytime. He understood that a simple drink and appetizer at the bar down the block was enough. Especially if it meant being able to spend time with just him.

"Good," he was being very coy with her, and she picked up on it right away.

"Something on your mind?"

"I'm just really...happy," he grinned at her; taking her hand in his. "I feel so cliche every time I say this, but- I just can't believe this is us right now," she blushed at his words immediately. "I never thought we'd get a shot at this, and now.."

"You're just really happy?" she giggled and leaned in to kiss him softly. "I get it," she moved closer to him, their thighs touching under the table. She turned towards him, her head resting in the palm of her hand, the tips of her fingers threading through her hair. "I'm happy too," she grinned widely, the corners of her eyes crinkling. Happy didn't even begin to explain how she had been feeling over the past few months.

"Tell me something about you that I don't know," his voice was low, the conversation becoming much more intimate.

"You know everything already, even parts of me that I've tried to keep hidden."

"Well, not every part," his hand that rested under the table, slid its way up her thigh nearest to him, barely making it to the hem before her hand rested over his.

"Elliot!" she said in a harsh whisper, scolding him. "We're in public," her eyes scanned the room, wondering if anyone there had looked familiar.

"Okay okay," he held both hands up in surrender. "I'll keep my hands to myself," he smirked at her. "So, tell me something, Liv."

"I don't know Elliot," she shrugged her shoulders. She really didn't know what to tell him, and she was curious as to why he all of sudden wanted to know.

"Tell me your favorite thing to do with Cecilia," months ago when he'd seen Olivia on verge of a breakdown regarding her potential of becoming a mother, still played in the back of his mind when he looked at her. Now, seeing her with Cecilia, he seen the glow that radiated from her. Especially when she talked about her, and he loved it.

"I know that you shouldn't but- I love when I get up for her 4am feeding, and afterwards when we snuggle in my bed. And she ends up sleeping with me on my chest..sometimes I just stay up for a little while and watch her just sleep. Ya know? I look at her, and I can't believe she's mine, that she's the reason I've survived everything over the past 3 months," she paused. Her eyes had begun to get glossy. "Then the guilt comes along.."


"I know-I know it's not my fault, none of it is but," she inhaled and then exhaled a deep breath. "You know what else I love?" she went on, trying to avoid the tears at bay.

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