25. The Weekend

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Wednesday, March 13

"Your court date is set for April 4th with Judge Linden at noon. You'll both just sign a few final documents and then you'll be all set. Cecilia will officially be yours," Trevor Langan and Casey sat across from Olivia as they dined at the cafe down the street from the precinct. They had all managed to sneak away from their desks that afternoon, and finally discuss the last few pieces to Cecilias pending adoption.

"Ours..wow I just can't believe it!" Olivia ran her fingers over the document of approval and couldn't help the tears of joy that fell from her eyes. "God, I can't wait to tell Elliot."

"Congratulations! I'll be seeing you sooner rather than later," he smiled and reached to give her hand a light squeeze. "I've got a meeting to get to but uh Casey..I'll talk to you later?" he slid a few papers into a folder before packing away his brief case.

"Yeah," she nodded giving him a soft smile before he turned to leave and sneakily pay the bill.

"What was that?" Olivia sat back in her seat with both hands on her swell, looking skeptically at Casey.

"What was what?" the redhead played coy and returned to eating her salad.

"I'll talk to you later," she said placing air quotes in the air with her hands.

"Yes and it's exactly what he meant," she paused a beat. "We'll just be talking over dinner, possibly candlelight," she shrugged her shoulders and couldn't help the smirk that formed.


"What? All those nights we spent together doing paperwork for the adoption. There's no way this could have been avoided."

"You have to tell me everything!"

"I don't think it's ladylike to kiss and tell."

"So you've kissed him?" Olivia leaned in.

"Saved by the bell!" her phone rang and she hurried to answer it. "..uh huh..yeah...I'll be right there," she gathered her belongings before throwing her phone in her purse. "I've gotta go Liv. Let me walk you back to the precinct."

"We'll be talking later," she tried once then twice before lifting herself from the table they sat at.

"If things go well tonight I promise you'll get every detail," she locked arms with Olivia and walked the few blocks over to the precinct.


Most times Olivia hated getting off from work so much sooner than Elliot, but today she had been elated. Since finding out the news from Trevor this afternoon she couldn't stop thinking about it. As much as she wanted to tell Elliot as soon as he got back to the precinct that afternoon, she decided to wait until tonight. Once she had gotten home and dismissed their sitter, she began preparing dinner keeping her fingers crossed that Elliot would make it home in time tonight. It had been ages it felt like since they had sat down for a home cooked meal, and she couldn't think of a more perfect way to break the news to him.

"Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma," Cecilia babbled as she stood holding on to the coffee table, wobbly walking over to Olivia.

"Oh I love you so much!" Olivia caught her as she tried to take the few steps over to where she was. "You're getting so big!" she held her waist to hold her up as Cecilia continued on with her babbling, drool running down her chin.

"Something smells amazing," Elliot came around the corner, dropping his keys off on the side table.

"Is that daddy?" Olivia's smile had reached her eyes as the words left her mouth. Cecilias face had lit up the moment she seen Elliot walk into the living room, wiggling herself from Olivia's grasp and crawling over to him.

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