15. Eli's Nightmare

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everyone last chapter predicted that Olivia is pregnant..well..um

Tuesday, September 5

"Promise you'll call me if you need anything," Elliot kissed Olivia's forehead before pulling the heated blanket over her body.

Her suspicions last weekend had been right.

Olivia had caught the flu.

"I'm fine Elliot, it's just a 24 hour bug. I'll be back at work tomorrow-"

"Liv, this isn't just a bug. You have the flu, and you're definitely not going to work tomorrow," Elliot insisted. Even with a horrible case of vomiting, congestion, migraines, and an achy body, she was still putting up a fight.

"Elliot I'm fine," she protested before blowing her nose. He shook his head, astounded that she was still trying to prove she would be okay tomorrow.

"You and I both know you're in no condition to go back to work, and if you even try to leave tomorrow morning I'll handcuff you to this bed."

She laughed. "Elliot you can't be serious?"

"Try to leave tomorrow and you will see," his eyebrows raised, attempting to be serious, but had to admit he was entertained by her attempts. "You get some rest. I'll be by for lunch to bring you some soup," he threaded his fingers through her hair, and kissed her forehead one more time before leaving.

Olivia had felt awful, but was she going to admit that? Absolutely not. She had come down with the flu, and Elliot had been treating her like she was on her deathbed. Even going to the extent of sending Cecilia over to Maureen's so she wouldn't catch what Olivia had. She missed her baby girl terribly, and all she wanted was for this stupid flu to go away.


After spending hours watching watching every housewives show there was, and trying to fall asleep, she finally gave in and took a dose of medicine hoping it would knock her out and it did. She had been asleep all morning, only waking when she felt Elliot rubbing her head to wake her up like he always did.

"Good to see you actually listened and got some rest," he said softly to her once her eyes had opened. As much as she wanted to reply with a witty comeback, she resisted and instead smiled back. She had to admit that she had missed him all morning, and wished that she hadn't forced him to go to work this morning.

"What did you bring me?" she sat up, revealing the oversized t shirt she wore- Elliot's t shirt.

"You're gonna love this. I got you some potato soup from that mom and pop restaurant we went to a few blocks over."

"You're too good to me," he hated that she had been sick, but he loved being able to take care of her, because for once she let him without putting up too much of a fight. He opened the styrofoam container it had been in and handed it to her. The smell had offset her nausea just a bit, but she needed some food in her body desperately.

"You feeling any better since I left you this morning?"

"I've got this pain creeping up on me, almost like cramps, but I just got my period last week," she blew on the spoonful of soup before indulging in her first bite.

"Maybe it's hunger pains...you haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon."

"Yeah you're probably right," she smiled weakly, suddenly feeling tired again.

He looked at his watch, disappointed that he already had to get going. "Liv I gotta get back to the precinct, but I'm gonna try and come home early. I love you," he leaned in and kissed her lips quickly.

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