2. Needed Me

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Wednesday, April 6: Cont..

She was going to Elliot's apartment tonight.

They had hung out many times before outside of work. Except most times it was to stop for a bite to eat or a quick drink. It was rare when they would opt for Olivia's apartment instead for takeout from their favorite restaurant. But now they would be going to Elliot's new place. A newly single Elliot's place. Ok- so not really single, but damn near close enough.

She could lie to herself and say that she didn't want to go to Elliot's place tonight. Or tell herself  that it was wrong for her to go over there barely two months after separating from his wife for the second time. But the truth was, Olivia needed him tonight. He was her partner of almost 12 years, and although she hated to admit it- he was her best friend too.

Olivia Benson hardly ever needed anyone. Learning from a young age and her problematic childhood to be independent, she was used to dealing with everything on her own. So she didn't know why she all of a sudden tonight had been different.

Elliot had wrapped up at work almost two hours earlier than her, and had left to run a few errands before she came over. Lucky for her, she had been able to find an extra pair of jeans and a black sweater to wear over there. She looked herself over in the mirror, attempting to smooth out her hair and pinch some color back into her cheeks. It had been nearly a 14 hour work day, and it had shown in her appearance. It shouldn't have mattered though. It was just Elliot. He had seen her practically at her worst after working long tough cases, with no showers or time to hardly change clothes.

It's just takeout and a movie, move your ass and get over there.


Thankful that he had moved to Manhattan, Olivia had arrived at Elliot's apartment in less than 20 minutes. For some odd reason after he buzzed her up, she had begun to feel apprehensive as she made her trip up to the third level of the apartments. As much as she tried to normalize this entire situation, her conscience wouldn't allow. There had been an undeniable shift in their partnership, indescribable at this point. But it had been there.

"I'm shocked you didn't bail," Elliot greeted her at the door in a pair of grey sweats and a hoodie. The complete opposite of how she normally seen him dressed. He looked relaxed, unlike at work where he always appeared tense.

"And miss out on free food?" she smirked and entered into his apartment.

See Liv, you're already making jokes. This is normal. Everything is normal.

She followed him through the apartment into the spacious living room, which had already proved to be more than she had expected. Elliot wasn't one to splurge, and began to wonder how he had found such a steal within his price range. Olivia took a seat on the small grey sectional, immediately making herself at home. Her nervousness had vanished. She was here. Everything was okay.

Without needing to ask, he disappeared into the small hallway to grab two beers from his kitchen. She glanced around noticing he still had a few stray boxes that had gone unpacked and laughed to herself. Knowing at this rate they would probably still go untouched for another few months.

"I come bearing gifts," he had returned from the kitchen with beer and plates for their food in both hands. "I got extra lo mein, the queens request," he was joking around, being funny even. They would kid from to time, but something was different about him this time. Her forehead furrowed, causing her eyebrows to knit together. She was confused?

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