Chapter 1

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He had a lot of fears.

He feared the dark. He didn't want it to consume him, to eat him alive, to drown him in it.

He feared the water. He was afraid of creatures grabbing him and pulling him into the depths, drowning him and making him become one of them.

He feared the people. He found humans such weird and terrible creatures. He was one himself, but he feared other. He feared their words.

But what he feared the most was love. He was always afraid to fall in love, he never wanted to fall in love. But it happened anyway.

He will never forget when it happened. It was autumn and a storm suddenly started. They were both outside, with no chance to hide somewhere, so they walked in the rain.

"Damn.. We're soaked" Oikawa said and faked a frown, before bursting out laughing. Iwaizumi watched as he covered his mouth while laughing, small raindrops stuck in his long eyelashes and his chestnut hair, his t-shirt was completely drenched and stuck to his skin. As a ray of sunlight appeared, Oikawa smiled and opened his eyes, he looked straight into Iwaizumi's, they sparkled slightly and Iwaizumi felt something in his heart.

He realized he was looking at the man of his dreams.

"Finally it stopped.." Oikawa smiled at the shorter male and chuckled. "C'mon Iwa-chan, say something"

"I wish... I wish it rained more" He said and sighed, he almost said something else.

"Eh? You do like rain a lot, don't you?" he asked.

"Yes. Yes I do" Iwaizumi looked at the storm clouds, slowly drifting away. . .

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