Chapter 4

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Colors surround us in our everyday life, however some have meanings for us, sometimes when we see a color we think of a certain someone or something.

To Iwaizumi color blue was important.

Maybe because it reminded him of a light blue sky that day when he met Oikawa accidentally. He bumped in Iwaizumi and dropped his ice-cream.

Maybe blue represents Oikawa's appearance. He always wears blue for somw reason, doesn't matter if it's a shirt, a hoodie or pants, something has to be blue.

Iwaizumi never failed to notice a change in Oikawa, all he had to do was to see if he had anything blue on him, if there was no blue - something clearly wrong.

That could've meant anything, from fighting with parents to not being able to find chocolate at the store.

Or maybe blue represented that blue-ish fog in Iwaizumi's eyes when he watched as Oikawa walked hand-in-hand with a girl around town.






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