Chapter 15

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Whoever decided that kisses are the way to show affection and love should die in a fire.

Well, at least that's what Iwaizumi thought.

Kisses were one of the reasons he never moved on, one of the reasons he still had hope.

Maybe to Oikawa it was an everyday thing, but to Iwaizumi it was a painful reminder that he's not strong enough to let go.

It would happen almost every morning.

Iwaizumi would wake up and go downstairs to make coffee, then Oikawa would come downstairs and place a kiss on Iwaizumi's cheek.

No big deal, right?

Well to Iwaizumi it was a big deal, he didn't know whether it was a sign that maybe Oikawa liked him, or was it just Oikawa's way of saying good morning.

Iwaizumi's first kiss was Oikawa aswell. It happened when they were 15. It was a rainy day and Oikawa was sick, Iwaizumi ofcourse was there to help him.

He never liked seeing Oikawa suffering or hurting, so he did his best to take care of the boy. It just so happened that due to his feverish head Oikawa kissed Iwaizumi,  saying that it's his way of saying thanks.

Once he was well again, he didn't say a word about it, maybe even forgot about it, but Iwaizumi didn't.

He never forgot how sweet his lips tasted.





I love Iwa so much Ismansjsbwhsgwhshsh help


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