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Very soon into the show I realized that Harry wasn't someone to just simply hold you hand. He unceasingly rubs his thumb over your knuckles, as if to remind you that he was there. It was a very heartwarming gesture. It was a constant reminder that he was right there next to me. Though I don't really want to admit it, I like the way it made me feel. Sitting watching my favorite musical in the entire world with a wonderful, caring man. It was magnificent.

Watching Harry's face made the night even more magnificent. Every so often I would look to him and see his eyes wide, like a child engrossed in their favorite television show. At other times his smile was so wide I was positive that it must hurt his cheeks to smile like that.

It wasn't until the end of Defying Gravity that he let go of my hand, I was only partly disappointed, but I knew it was so he could applaud. It was the moment the curtains shut and the lights returned to their earlier brightness for intermission that Harry quickly stood up, pulling me with him, and grabbed my checks in his hands and kissed me. I was startled to say the very least so it took me a moment before I kissed back. I felt so amazing when he finally pulled away and leaned his forehand against mine, my heart swelled with happiness. I was so happy I thought my heart could just burst. For me that was a new concept. It most definitely made me want to keep Harry around for a while.

Harry quickly caught his breath and whispered to me, "That song was one of the most amazing things in my life. I couldn't help but make sure something else amazing followed it."

At that I leaned forward again and pressed my lips to his, "I hope I didn't disappoint." I whispered back, my forehead still against his, my arms around his neck, his around my waist.

He shook his head and chuckled quietly. "Elphaba has nothing on you Adelaide. Nothing at all."

We sat back down as he kissed my hand and I looked at him, smiled and then turned my attention back to the stage, as intermission was ending and the lights were beginning to dim once again.

Right after the final curtain Harry and I quickly found a cab and headed back to my apartment. "What did you think?" I asked him as I toyed with the rings that adorned his fingers.

"I thought it was amazing. The whole show just felt...invigorating. Although that may have been from kissing you."

I smiled and leaned towards him, pressing our lips together once again. We both pulled away as we felt the cab come to a stop outside my apartment building. "Do you want to come up?" I asked Harry. He nodded as we paid the cab driver and went inside the building. Harry held my hand until I had to find my keys and unlock the door, his hands then found their way onto my waist.

As soon as the door was open Harry gently pushed me inside and turned us both around so he was pinning me against the door. His lips quickly found mine as he bit my lip causing me to gasp as he slid his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues were caught up in an erotic dance, causing us both to moan into each others mouth. His hand comes up to hold my chin in place all the while his hips keep me against the door. I am completely his for the taking, not that I am at all complaining. The moment a wolf whistle sounded from behind us Harry pushed himself away from and left me against the door while he stood next to me. We both looked down the hall to where Louis and Grace were standing, holding bowls of popcorn while they laughed at us.

"Oh shut up you two. I've found you doing a lot worse things than just kissing."

At that, Grace's mouth fell open "Addy you said we never had to talk about that again!" Grace said embarrassed as she threw a piece of popcorn at me. I caught the popcorn in my mouth and laughed at her before leading Harry past them to the kitchen. "Do you want a drink?" I asked. Harry nodded, "Wine, champagne, or beer?"

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