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SEXUAL CONTENT READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! Thank you so much for reading! Comment and let me know if you like it!! MermaidTattoox

"Adelaide..." Harry began to say. "I'm afraid I don't understand." I felt tears pricking at my eyes. I quickly blinked them away. "Harry, my heart is a very dark place. You're heart is pure gold. You once told me that I was out of you're league, but you were wrong, because you are out of my league. You are so so much of a better person than me Harry, I'm so sorry you wasted time on me." I began to find my things and I put my dress back on quickly, getting ready to leave.

As I made my way to the door I saw Harry standing there, preventing me from leaving. "Don't go Adelaide please. Stay." I shook my head and looked down, tears slowing beginning to fall. I heard Harry's quickly footsteps against the hardwood flooring as his hands wrapped around my arms, keeping me in place. "Don't go Adelaide." Harry repeated. I shook my head again and harshly wiped a stray tear away. "Why shouldn't I? You don't understand Harry, I am horrible. I've been a part of such awful things and the minute you find out you'll want me gone anyways."

"Oh Adelaide how I wish you could see what I can. When I see you I see a strong independent women who is breathtakingly beautiful, amazingly intelligent, so loving that it's not even funny. But when you look at yourself you see...you see someone that isn't there. You aren't what you're saying you are. You're amazing Adelaide." I let out a painful sigh. "You can say that when you don't everything. You just don't know Harry."

"Then tell me Adelaide! You keep saying 'If you only knew' then tell me! Just fucking talk to me." Harry abruptly turned from me and began pacing the area in front of me. His yelling had startled me quite a bit, it had also caused the tears to fall freely from my eyes. I suddenly felt scared, scared that I had made Harry angry.

Harry stopped pacing and turned to me. Seeing me stand there, nearly sobbing his anger quickly faded away. "Please Adelaide, stay and talk to me. Go change and we can talk. You can tell me everything and if you still want to leave after that then okay."

I began to nod slowly, giving myself a minute to process the idea. "Okay. Okay. Just don't yell again? Okay? Just please don't yell again." Harry's eyes softened. "I'm sorry. I won't. Now please go change. I'll meet you in my bedroom when you're ready." I watched as he walked away to his bedroom, ignoring Charlie who was scratching at the door of his kennel. Harry quietly closed his bedroom door and I felt awful. I should have told him earlier. Though I suppose that I will be telling him soon enough. I took a deep breath and began walking to the bathroom to change yet again.

Once I was changed I walked into Harry's room. He sat with his back against the headboard of his bed, looking drained. I quickly took a seat in the middle of the bed, sitting like they teach you in kindergarten. "I think I'll start from the beginning okay?" I spoke quietly and slowly, trying my very hardest not to cry again. Harry nodded, just as slowly as I had spoken. "Please do. I want to understand."

I looked down at my hands in my lap as I began my story. "I was born in the South Bronx. It was an extremely poor, crime ridden area. I have no idea whatsoever who or where my biological father is. The only thing I know is that he was on so many drugs that it wasn't even funny. My biological mother, she was born and raised in the bad part of town. From what my parents told me after the adoption she was a pretty good kid until she met my father, she thought she was in love with the schools bad boy so she started drinking, doing some drugs. Apparently once she found out she was pregnant with me, my father left and she tried to get her life straightened out. She just didn't do a good job." I took a deep breath before continuing.

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