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It hadn't surprised me that my mother had sent a car for me. I had told her I would be coming by once I was finished with my dress and she doesn't like me taking cabs everywhere. Her and my father both think I would be safer if I listened to them and hired a driver. I figured I would listen to them eventually, once I was out of college and had settled down with my business and everything. That time was still a few months away though.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as the driver opened my car door as we had arrived at my parents' townhouse. I carried my dress up the steps to the front door and knocked on the door. Their housekeeper, Vera, open the door. She smiled at me and opened the door so I could go inside.

"Hello Miss Addy, may I take that from you?" She gestured to the garment bag I was holding. I thanked her as I handed her the bag before asking where my parents were. "Your mother had to step out for a moment to deal with a problem at work and your father is in his study." I gave Vera one more smile before heading to the steps and climbing them to the second floor and down the hall to my father's study.

I knocked on the heavy wood door, waiting for him to answer before entering. He was sitting behind his large desk looking intently at some sort of document. As I walked in he looked up, a smile growing across his cheeks as he saw me. "Adelaide, my sweet girl, I wasn't expecting you until much later." He explained as he stood up and gave me a big hug. "I came from getting my dress for the charity gala next week. I thought I would spend some time with you and mom, since I hadn't seen either of you for a while."

"Well I am very glad that you did. Come, we can go to the den and watch the game. It's already started but I'm sure we haven't missed much."

"That sounds great dad." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we made our way to the den and he turned on the television. "Who do you want to win dad?" I asked him. "Well Ads, of course I want the Yankees to win." He chuckled deeply, "After all, they're our team remember?" I gave him a smile and laughed, reminiscing on all of the times my father and I spent at Yankee Stadium watching baseball games.

"Of course I remember!" I said as Vera reappeared, this time with a Bomb Pop Popsicle in each hand. She handed us each one with a smile. Bomb Pops were always my dad and I's go to snack. "Thank you Vera." My father said, dismissing her before settling down on the couch next to me to watch the game.

It was a good game, the Yankees won 9-3, and by the time the game had finished my mom was calling us downstairs for dinner. Grace and my brothers, along with their families had arrived once my father and I made our way into the dining room.
I took my seat between Leo and Grace just as dinner was served.

As everyone filled their plates I felt my phone vibrate. Slipping it out of my pocket I made sure that my mom wouldn't see, she has never been keen on cell phone use at the dinner table. I smiled when I saw it was a text from Harry. Breakfast in the morning, where would you like to go?

Sarabeth's is really good. Have you ever been? I texted him back quickly, then sat my phone in my lap before eating some of the food on my plate. Everyone was talking to someone and paying no attention to me so when my phone vibrated again I didn't hesitate to read the text from Harry.

I have not, but I'm looking forward to going there with you. I'll meet you at 9 tomorrow outside of Sarabeth's. What are you up to now?

I glanced around the table and made sure that no one, mainly my mom, wasn't looking before texting Harry back. I'm at my parents' house for family dinner.

A response came quickly. I'm sorry for disturbing you then, I'll leave you to your family.

I frowned. I'd very much like it if we could still talk, I promise that you're not at all disturbing me.

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