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Harry and I both soon got used to having security detail around us. But despite the security we still had odd occurrences. In public I always felt as though I was being watched. Harry and I both often felt the need to double or triple check that the doors and windows were locked. We tried our hardest to ignore these though, and focus more on us.

We had developed a nice routine now that he was fully moved in and I don't think that either of us could be happier. Work through the week, mostly lazy weekends with dinner at my parents somewhere in the mix, which was tonight. Harry and I were to be at my parents in a little under an hour an we were nearly ready to leave our house. Harry looked as handsome as ever in his patterned blue shirt and light khaki shorts.

His dress slacks long since have been forgotten since it is too hot to wear office attire for any longer than absolutely necessary. I had dressed in a pale pink dress paired with some strappy nude heels for the evening.

"Adelaide," Harry said as entered our closet where I sat at my vanity finishing up my makeup. "Are you ready? If we don't leave soon we'll be late." I stood. "I'm coming. Has Scott brought the car around?" Harry wrapped my hand in his and nodded. "Yes, I sent him out just before I came up here. And you look stunning babe." I smiled at him. "Thank you. And you look amazing as well."

Harry smiled down at the ground as he often did when I complemented him, "Shall we?" He asked as he looked towards the door. "We shall."


A short car ride later we were greeted by the wonderful relief of my parents' air conditioner. "Oh Harry hello!" My mother called from the end of the hall as she walked towards us. I laughed, as much as my mother didn't like Harry at first, and as much as she still doesn't like him, she is always happy whenever I bring him to a family event.

"Good evening Victoria." Harry kissed my mothers cheek before she turned to me and gave me a hug. "Darling how has work been this week?" I smiled at her, "It's been fine. Is Leo here yet?" I asked, itching to get my hands on my little niece. "Yes yes, they're all in the sitting room, you go ahead, I'm going to go check on dinner."

With a smile I lead Harry down the hall to the sitting room where my father sat smiling at little Kendall and Leo sat with his arm around Daniella. "Pass her over dad." I held my hands out for the little baby. He chuckled and handed her over before standing to shake Harry's hand. "Hello Harry, did you catch the Yankee's game last night?" As my father and boyfriend launched into a discussion concerning baseball, I turned my attention to the giggling baby in my arms and her parents.

"How have you three been?" I asked Leo. He smiled, "Oh just fine. Kendall is sleeping through the night very well now and that makes everyone's life better." He chuckled and I smiled at Kendall as she looked curiously around the room.

I tickled her tummy causing her to squeal just as my mother called us all for dinner. I gave Kendall back to Daniella and found Harry to make our way to our normal dinner seats, Harry on my left and Leo on my right.

Mother had gone all out tonight making Honey Balsamic Lamb Chops along with delicious garlic scallops and asparagus. Vera made her way around the table pouring Cabernet Sauvignon into everyone's glasses. My father stood, "I would like to make a toast. A toast to family, and everyone being here together. Leo and Daniella with their new baby, Lucas and Anna you are soon to become husband and wife, and Harry and Adelaide your growing relationship. I'm so happy for all you, so to family." Everyone raised their glass and a chorus of "to family" could be heard in the room before everyone took a drink.

As we began to eat my mother looked at Harry and I expectantly, "Speaking of family Harry, Adelaide can we expect to be planning a wedding for you two anytime soon?" I nearly choked on my lamb. "Mother!"

"What?" She asked me innocently. I couldn't even form a coherent thought, but thankfully my father stepped in. "Victoria leave them be, besides, we have an announcement to make." At the mention of this so called announcement my mother's eyes lit up. "Yes, you go ahead and tell them Al." She smiled lovingly at my father. "You're mother and I have decided that since our family has been quite crazy lately what with all of the preparations for Kendall's arrival and Lucas and Anna's wedding we would take a trip. Your mother and I have decided that we will be taking a short little trip to the Hampton's house come this Wednesday morning, and we will be there for a week. We would love it if all of you would join us, and that includes you Harry."

Lucas and Anna were quick to agree, Leo and Daniella not far behind them. Everyone seemly wanted to get away from our busy lives for a few days. I sat my hand on Harry's thigh under the table. "Do you want to go?" I asked him. He nodded with a grin. "Do you think you will be able to get off work?" He nodded again, saying he could.

I looked to Dad, "Harry and I would love to." Mother smiled, "Wonderful! Al and I will be arriving at the house at nine Wednesday morning, feel free to arrive then or later."

"We'll be there." I smiled at Harry, thrilled that we would be taking this trip together.


"Goodbye Mother, we'll see you Wednesday." I kissed my mother's cheek before Harry and I left the house and climbed into the black SUV that Scott had waiting for us.

"Home Ms.Vanderbilt?" Scott asked as he climbed into the drivers seat. "Yes Scott." I told him before I leaned into Harry's side. "I'm excited for us to get away for a little while, even if it is with my family."

Harry hummed in agreement. "Maybe I'll take you out once night though. Just the two of us. We haven't been out on a proper date in ages."

I yawned as my eyelids began to slowly close as I succumbed to my fatigue. "Maybe." I mumbled to Harry before I fell asleep, his arms wrapped around me.

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