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Apartment hunting, I quickly realized, was a bust. None of the apartments my relator was showing me were right. They were either too big, too small, too far from where I planned on working, there was always something wrong. My relator was getting fed up. Harry was getting antsy. I felt bad but I wasn't going to buy an apartment I didn't want. Finally my relator suggested I look into a townhouse.

I felt that at my age I didn't need a house, it was just me after all, but I figured I might as well give it a try. We arrived at the town house and my realtor stepped outside to make a phone call, leaving Harry and I alone to look at the house. "Will Grace be moving in with you?" He asked me. I shook my head. "We talked about it, but she's been thinking about moving in with Louis for a while now and I have a feeling that's where she's going to end up."

"So it would be just you in this huge house?" Harry asked in disbelief. I nodded, "Mainly yes. People would visit though. The extra bedrooms will come in handy then." Harry looked around at the house. "It just seems crazy to me that you would be buying a house. I mean, you're only twenty one. It seems so young."

"I suppose so, but I would have bought a townhouse sooner or later, plus this is practically my dream home." The relator returned and I offered her a smile. "I love it. When can I start the paper work?"

After signing a few things and agreeing with my relator that she would send me the rest, Harry and I were on our way. We stopped at cute cafe to grab a quick lunch before we were off again to shop for Harry.

He was actually quite easy to shop for. He bought quite a few pairs of dress slacks "I'm sure skinny jeans are not office worthy attire." He told me. I smiled whilst thinking to myself, those skinny jeans are worthy of any attire. Harry did have odd taste in shirts though, he liked a lot of peculiar patterns. I had to assure  him that the solid color button ups looked just as good on him as the flamingo printed button up. He took some convincing but he eventually agreed.

Harry's left hand was holding the shopping bags full of his new clothes, while his right hand was holding mine. We had decided that we would grab a quick bite of food before going back to Harry's. He had let me choose, so I chose to go to Ladurée, and since we were already close, we could just walk.

"Ladurée, that's French isn't it?" Harry asked me. I nodded, "It's one of my favorite places in New York. You can get meals there but I typically get a tea and some macaroons."

Harry chuckled, "You're so well diversified, while I know practically nothing compared to you." I frowned at Harry. "That's not true. So what if I can speak another language or if I know about French pastries. It's no big deal." I gave him a smile and squeezed his hand. "I suppose." Harry grinned at me as we walked up to the storefront of Ladurée.

Harry dropped my hand to pull the door open for me. I thanked him and walked into the restaurant, finding it wasn't busy I walked right to the counter, Harry close behind me. "Hello, what can I get for you?" The young girl behind the counter asked me. "Hello, I want Thé à la Rose and La Collection." The girl nodded then looked to Harry, "And you sir?" Harry looked slightly confused at the menu, probably because it was mostly written in French. "I'll just have Thé la Rose thing too." He said, his cheeks turning a deep crimson. "Do you want that for here or to go?" The girl asked as I pulled out my wallet before Harry could protest, "To go please." I gave her my debit card before turning to Harry and leaning up slightly, despite my heels, so I could press a kiss to his cheek. I then took my card back, got our teas and our macaroons before Harry and I left to grab a cab back to his apartment.

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