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Five hours, three cups of hospital cafeteria coffee, and a whole lot of kissing Harry later, little Kendall Rose Vanderbilt was introduced into the world.

My parents had arrived and they were the first of the family to see Kendall, as per my mother's request

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My parents had arrived and they were the first of the family to see Kendall, as per my mother's request. I was next, Leo made sure of that. Daniella had fallen asleep once my parents left, she was exhausted after giving birth of course.

Kendall laid wrapped in a blanket, in a small, clear baby bassinet. Harry stayed in the waiting room, leaving Leo and I to have a moment to ourselves. "She's gorgeous Leo." He smiled down at the sleeping baby and nodded. "She is, isn't she?"

I let out a yawn causing Leo to look at me. "Why don't you head home. You've been here a long time now, you need to sleep." Leo gave me a pointed look. "How have you been sleeping by the way?" Without looking at Leo I frowned. "The same I suppose." He sighed, "Ads...I just wish you would listen to mom and see someone about that."

"I'm okay Leo. It's not even every single night of the week." He scoffed, "Not even. Once a week is once too many." I turned to look at Leo. "Stop. Please, you're a daddy now, enjoy it. Enjoy your daughter. I'll come see you three tomorrow." Leo gave me a hug, "Okay. Are you going home with Harry?" I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe." I said remembering what Harry and I had talked about earlier in the night. "Just, be careful alright?" I nodded. "Of course." "Ads, I mean it. Don't do something you're going to regret. And remember that Harry deserves to know about everything. He seems completely head over heels for you and you need to not take advantage of that. He deserves to know."

I nodded, "Okay. Bye Leo, I'll see you tomorrow." I gave him a hug and left the room, making my way to the waiting room. Before I rounded the corner I put a smile on my face, forcing Leo's words out of my mind. I didn't want to think about what he had said. About how I should tell Harry. Maybe in time I will, but not anytime soon.

Harry was playing on his phone, and he smiled as he saw me coming. "Hi." I said. "Are you ready to go?" I asked Harry. He nodded, "Yes, are you okay?" I nodded and gave him the best smile I could muster up. "Of course, I'm just tired, it's been a long day." I lied. Harry believed me though. "Alright, let's go then." We made our way to the front doors of the hospital, the whole way I was frustrated. Frustrated with Leo, with myself. Frustrated that Harry had immediately picked up on my mood. I should have hid my feelings better. Then Leo, his words kept running through my mind, making me grow more and more guilty. I knew that I should tell Harry but I didn't want to. I never wanted to tell anyone any of those things.

I was interrupted from my thoughts once we reached the street outside. Harry was looking at me expectantly. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked him, having not paid attention the first time he spoke. "Do you want to come back to my place?" Harry was clearly a bit nervous, his chewing on his lip made that clear. Though I can't say I didn't feel the same way. I nodded and put a smile on my face. "Of course." A smile quickly spread across Harry's face. "Let's go then."

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