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When I woke the next morning I could hear Harry moving about in the kitchen, making breakfast. I sat up with a yawn and stretched my arms. A grin grew across my face as I remembered the previous night. Smiling to myself I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, hopping into the shower.

I bathed quickly, not wanting to take too long and wanting to go see my new niece soon. Once out of the shower I wrapped my self in a towel and went into Harry's closet in hopes of finding something to wear. I found a sweater that was so long it was practically a dress on me so I pulled that on and brushed out my hair, leaving it to air dry.

Harry stood at the stove, cooking some eggs. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his bare torso. "Good morning Adelaide." He said. With a smile I hummed back in response. He turned and wrapped his arms around my small body, giving me a hug before attaching his lips to mine for a quick kiss.

He pulled away with a smile and lifted me up to sit on the counter next to the stove. "How do you take your coffee?" He asked me. "Just with some milk and sugar please." He swiftly poured the coffee into a mug and added my desired creamers. I hummed in thanks once he handed it to me. "Do you have plans for the day?"

"I'm going to go back to the hospital and visit with Leo, Daniella, and the baby. Would you like to come?" I asked, knowing that Harry would not be working since it was a Saturday.

He nodded. "If that's okay with you." I smiled at him. "I'd like that very much, but first, I'm starving so let's eat." Harry chuckled and carried two plates to the table. He helped me off the counter and led me over to the table.

"I enjoy last night Adelaide. Very much." Harry told me with a sweet smile on his face. He reached across the table to take my hand in his. Giving his hand a reassuring squeeze I returned the smile. "I did too Harry, I really did."

We sat in a comfortable silence for a little while as we ate. "When are you moving into your house?" Harry asked me. "On April 26th." Harry let out a small chuckle. "Adelaide, that's today."

"What?!" I quickly fumbled to find my phone and check the date. "Oh..." I dropped my head into my hands. "With last night and everything I completely forgot that I was moving tomorrow. How could I forget this?" I tugged on my hair in frustration. "It's okay Adelaide. I'll help you pack after we go to the hospital." I smiled at Harry gratefully and took his hand in mine. "Thank you. Now are you ready to go?" Harry nodded and offered me a smile. "Yes, lets go." And after feeding Charlie and grabbing our things, Harry and I were in a cab on our way to the hospital.

It was a quick ride and once we had arrived we stopped in the gift shop. Harry and I bought a gorgeous bouquet of flowers for Daniella along with a small stuffed elephant for Kendall. "Isn't it adorable?" I asked Harry, while we we in the elevator, holding the elephant up. He chuckled. "Yes Adelaide, it's cute." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to his chest, pressing a quick kiss to my head as the elevator door opened.

We stepped out, Harry taking my hand and confidently leading us down the hall to Daniella's room. Harry knocked on the door, waiting for an answer before entering. Once I was in the room I saw Leo's eyes quickly go to Harry and I's hands. Leo smiled and stood up, stepping forward to give me a hug. "Good morning." I returned the hug before going to the bed where Daniella sat. I gave her a small hug, being mindful of the small baby in her arms.

Harry and I gave them our gifts. Before we sat in the chairs in the room. "How are you feeling?" I asked Daniella. She smiled at me. "Exhausted, but I'm completely in love with this little girl." She looked down at her sleeping baby and I smiled. "She's adorable Dani, you did well."

"Thank you Adelaide, and I suppose your brother helped a little." We all chuckled and Leo kissed Daniella's cheek, murmuring an 'I love you'. Harry sat his hand on my thigh, "I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

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