Ch. 2 - Wird team with weird members

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'' Hey, Naomi, '' I murmured, with a half smile on my face. '' Guess what happened today? I finally graduated from the academy! I really wish that you could've been here to see me... Bu I guess that it isn't possible. ''  

I was sitting on the ground in front of the K.I.A. stone. I was here almost every day since when I was six years old and my former best friend Naomi died. We met in the hospital when I was only five and recovering from my fall down the stairs and she was fifteen and just came back from one of her missions. She was the one that taught me my first ninja moves like how to punch and kick someone. I told her that I wasn't able to do it but she forced me to. She said that she was the same as me when she was young, weak and always sick. I almost couldn't imagine that considering that when I looked at her I saw only a strong Chuunin, ready to go through any mission without hasitation and any fears. 

'' I really miss you but you already know that... '' I murmured, staring at the name on the stone. Naomi Karasuno, killed in a action when she was sixteen years old. That was all I knew, no one wanted to tell me more then that. 

'' I always wonder how it is on the other side... Are you happy there? I hope you are. And I hope that you're with your brother that was killed by rogue ninjas when you were younger... I know that you always missed him... Sometimes things just disappear from my head and I don't remember them anymore. I have this weird black outs and I think that it's connected to my brain damage... But I'm never going to forget you. And I try to remember what you always told me. You know when people would point at me and say that I was that weird, crazy girl and then you always said... '' My smile slightly widened. '' You're not weird, you're special. And normal is boring anyway. Where's the fun in that? ''  

I was staring at her name for another few seconds before I smiled again. '' You know and I was also practicing with my Kekkei genkai and Wind release that I got with the help of Misako. I usually use it with my fans because it's easier but look... '' I made a handseal and concentrated my chakra. At first nothing happened. Then something began growing from the ground. I kept concentrating until there was a beautiful purple rose, blooming next to the K.I.A. stone. It's colour was amazing, so pretty that it almost looked unnatural . I smiled. '' I made it purple because I know that it was your favourite colour. See! Another thing that I didn't just forget! ''  

I kept sitting there and staring at the stone until I suddenly heard someone approaching. I looked up and stared at the face of the person that stopped behind me. He had silver, gravity defying hair and his headband was covering one of his eyes. He also wore a mask that hid almost all of his face. By the way he dressed I knew that he was a Jonin.  

'' What are you doing here? '' he asked with slight surprise in his voice.  

I jumped up, smiling. '' I just came to visit one of my friends... What about you? ''  

He nodded, carefully staring at me. '' The same. '' I saw how his only visible eye travelled to the purple rose next to the K.I.A. stone and slightly widened. Then he stared back at me. '' You're that flowery girl? ''  

'' Chiharu Haruno, at your service, '' I happily said, saluting.  

'' I'm Kakashi Hatake, '' he lazily introduced himself and then looked down at the headband, wrapped around my arm. '' So you passed the graduation test? ''  

I nodded with enthusiasm. '' Tomorrow we're going to find out our new teams! '' Then I suddenly looked at him and a creepy grin appeared on my face. '' You... You're going to get a team of your own... You surely know who's going to end up where... Tell me. '' I began poking his arm with my finger. '' Tell me, tell me, tell me. ''  

'' Stop that, '' he murmured, slapping my hand away. Then he shook his head. '' And I can't tell anything about the new teams. You're going to find out about them tomorrow anyway. ''  

Sakura's twin sister Chiharu (Naruto) ✓Where stories live. Discover now