Ch. 7 - My ninja way

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It didn't took a lot to catch up with Hin. I would prefer to say that I saw him with my awesome ninja skills but the truth was that he actually tried to take control of my body again. I quickly stopped and concentrated on my chakra. My eyes slowly travelled through the dark forest around me.  

'' Crap, '' I suddenly heard him murmur. 

I instantly turned around and formed a handseal. '' Flower prison! '' Hin disappeared in the middle of a giant flower. I concentrated again and did other handseals. '' Flower blossom explosion: Thousand killing petals tornado! '' With that I grabbed my fans, spun and swung them through the air, sending a blast of wind in the direction of the giant flower Hin was trapped in.  

It instantly turned in to thousands of smaller cherry blossoms that began circling around him. I watched him stand there in pain with a triumphant grin on my face. That was until he suddenly turned in to water.

Perfect. I wasted all of that chakra on a water clone. 

I instantly deactivated the technique and turned around. I noticed just now Hin, standing a few meters away from me.  

'' It looks like this is going to be a different kind of battle... But I'm warning you... Chakra bending isn't my only ability... The Moon spirit also gave me Water release power, '' he said, grinning.  

I mentally cursed.  

I wasn't very good in fights like that. But I still didn't move or try to run away. '' I'm not backing out from a fight, '' I murmured, catching my breath. '' Not until I'm still breathing. This is my ninja way. ''  

'' Your ninja way, eh? To bad you're going to die tonight! '' He laughed and then formed some hand seals. '' Water vortex! ''  

Water suddenly rose from the ground and began circling around him while moving in my direction. My eyes widened with fear, then I quickly focused. '' Fan technique: Fan expansion! '' Suddenly my fans became bigger and when I opened them in front of me they became like a shield. I stumbled for a few steps back when the water of the Water vortex hit them but that was all.  

I quickly closed them again and ran in Hin's direction. I pulled out a kunai and tried to slice his neck with tit but he blocked it with another kunai, grinning. '' You have no shot in beating me, little girl! Maybe you're stronger than the other tree and have the power of the Hana clan but even with all of that... With all the power in the world... You'll always be weak! ''  

I just ignored him and tried to hit him with my other fan but he managed to block the attack. I kicked him but then he suddenly raised his fist and punched me, making me stagger back for a few steps. I began gasping with surprise and staring at the blood that began dripping from my nose with shock.  

I was bleeding... And it really hurt...  

I slowly collapsed on my knees and kept staring at the red drops, landing on the ground with shock. 

Maybe Kurenai was right... Maybe I wasn't ready for missions that were harder than catching cats or carrying groceries. And maybe Hin was also right... I had no shot in beating him.  

So why... Why exactly did I keep trying? If it was... worthless?  


My eyes slightly widened at the sound of Kiba's voice that was joined by Akamaru's barking. I raised my head with surprise and looked around. Kiba was just running in my direction, followed by a limping Ren. They both looked beat up but there was still determination in their eyes. The determination of a ninja that never gave up. Something that I wasn't at this precise moment.  

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