Ch. 24 - Summoning complexes and Takeshi's spy

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I spun and swung my fans through the air. The bandit screamed with pain and blood splashed from the newly made wound on his shoulder. I smirked and kicked him from the side, making him stagger for a few steps.  

'' Now show me if you mastered that new jutsu, brat, '' Takeshi ordered, appearing behind me. He skilfully moved his sword, easily cutting of the head of another bandit. They attacked us right before we were about to reach the village that was our destination. Bad move.  

I nodded with determination. '' Okay! '' Yesterday I made him show me a jutsu. He forced me to polish his giant sword before that of course but I just decided to ignore that. I was a little bit surprised when I heard about his ability. Apparently he was a very skilled Fire release user which made him get his nickname: The flaming black ninja. He also had Wind release power that he usually used as backup in his fighting that mostly involved fire and the usage of his giant sword. Besides that he was also very good with genjutsu.  

I opened my two fans and spun, yelling the name of the genjutsu Takeshi showed me. '' Demonic illusion: False darkness! ''  

The bandit in front of me stared at the flowery pattern on my two fans that suddenly turned pink. Then his eyes began looking around, suddenly completely lost and hopeless. I knew what happened. The illusion made it seem like he suddenly became blind.  

'' Did you see that Take-san? '' I yelled and began doing a happy dance. '' I did it! ''  

Takeshi that was just fighting another bandit rolled his eyes. '' Concentrate on the fight, brat! ''  

'' Oh, right! '' I said and then grinned, pulling out some senbon. I threw it at him, making him scream with pain again before he slowly collapsed on the ground. The senbon was covered with poison that killed him only in a few seconds.  

Suddenly I noticed something in the corner of my eye and quickly turned around, blocking the sword of one of the bandits with my two fans. A grin appeared on my face. '' You're attacking me from behind like a coward? Bad move. '' Then I already jumped closer and sticked one of my two fans in two places on his arm, making him unable to even hold the sword anymore. I took a few steps back and formed some handseals. '' Flower prison: Deadly roses! ''  

Stems, covered with spikes, shot out of the ground and began wrapping around the bandit that screamed with horror. His eyes were wide and he was staring at the flowers with shock. That was when the black roses appeared on the stems. Once the flowers opened a mist came out of them, poisoning the ninja.  

I grinned and then looked around to see where Takeshi was. He was currently fighting the last four bandits at the same time. They surrounded him but it didn't look like he was worried. I quickly opened my fans again and ran in his direction. I focused chakra in the edges of one of them before throwing it. It hit the back of a bandit, making him scream with pain.  

I quickly spun, swung my other fan through the air and send a wave of wind at him. '' Wind release! '' The wind hit him and sent him flying in a nearby tree. When he fell on the ground again he was unconscious.  

I jumped away from the punch of one of the bandits that focused his attention on me now. We got in to a taijutsu fight. He managed to hit me a few times but I wasn't going to let him win. I just blocked his kunai by opening my fan in front of me and smirked. I spun a few times and then swung my fan through the air. The blossoms of the flowers around me slowly raised in the air, forming a circle around the ninja. '' Dance of a thousand shuriken! '' That was when the flowers flew in the ninja's direction, with petals as sharp as blade. After a few seconds he slowly collapsed on the ground.  

I slowly lowered my fan, catching my breath. I rubbed the blood from under my nose and looked at Takeshi that just finished killing the last bandit. A grin appeared on my face and I pointed at him. '' I told you that fans were a real weapon! '' I yelled.  

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