Ch. 3 - Kurenai's test: Student vs. sensei

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'' Are you serious? '' I asked with disbelief. We were all staring at Kurenai sensei with surprise. After we introduced ourselves to each other she lead us to one of the training grounds, saying that she wanted to test our strength. The task she gave us was a little bit strange. She said that she was going to create four copies of herself that we were going to have to defeat.  

A smirk appeared on Kurenai's face. '' So you don't think that you can handle it? I would expect more from a Hyuga, Inuzuka, Aburame and also from you, Chiharu, even if the powers that you have weren't originally yours. ''  

That Kiba and Shino turned at me with confusion. '' Powers? What is she talking about? '' Kiba asked, tossing his head on one side with confusion. '' I thought that you and Sakura didn't have any special Kekkei genkai or powerful jutsus. ''  

I nervously scratched the back of my head. I really didn't expect for Kurenai to bring that up already. '' I... ''  

Kurenai smiled. '' You can tell them. They're your comrades after all and they deserved to know. ''  

I slowly nodded. '' Okay then... '' I sighed and then began explaining:'' Well, here's the deal... '' A few minutes later, when I finished telling them what happened years ago they were both even more shocked. Well, Shino didn't show it but I was sure that he was. '' And that is how I have a special flowery kekkei genkai. But you can't tell anyone. I want to keep it to as few people as it's possible. Hinata and Shikamaru that are my best friends already know but no on else does. But I think that Kurenai sensei is right. You're my teammates and you're allowed to know. ''  

'' Don't worry, Chi-chan! '' Kiba said with a grin and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. '' We're going to help you find Monano. ''  

'' Momoka Hana, '' I corrected him and rolled my eyes. Then I pushed his arm away, making him sigh with sadness. I ignored that and raised my fists, grinning with enthusiasm. '' So are we going to start or what? ''  

Kurenai smiled. '' So you're excited to start? Well... Is there anything else that I have to tell you... The clones will be hiding in the whole area of this training ground. '' She pointed to the trees that were surrounding us. '' You can defeat them together or by yourselves. They will fight you only with kunais and shuriken while I'll probably put you in a genjutsu. ''  

'' So we have to fight you too? '' Kiba asked, frowning.  

I rolled my eyes and smacked his head. '' No, idiot! Even I know what is this about and everyone says that I'm stupid. ''  

Kurenai kept smiling. The way she smiled was starting to creep me out. '' I just got another idea to make it more interesting. '' She searched through the pocket of her dress and pulled out four different pieces of fabric. '' The clones will try to take this away from you but you have to defeat them first. '' I grabbed the piece of fabric that she threw in my direction and stuffed it in the other back pocket of my dress. '' Now begin! '' The next second Kurenai already turned in to a cloud of flowers and disappeared.  

I slowly looked at the others. '' So, what now? ''  

'' I suggest that each of us tries to defeat one clone, '' Kiba said with a grin on his face.  

I shrugged and pulled my two fans from another backpocket. '' Fine with me. ''  

Kiba frowned at the sight of my fans. '' You fight with those? ''  

I couldn't help it but to smirk at that and I could see that Hinata that already knew my fighting style also slightly smiled. Underestimating my fans wasn't a good idea. They thought that they weren't able to hurt someone but they were wrong. They were actually pretty dangerous in the hands of someone that knew how to use them. I was the only one in Konoha that did but that just made it even more fun. Except for when I was learning it. I was five then and I remembered reading a book, listening to a story or something like that. Or was I talking to the Hokage...? 

Sakura's twin sister Chiharu (Naruto) ✓Where stories live. Discover now