Ch. 4 - A C-ranked mission for team Kurenai

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Time flew by pretty quickly, before I knew it, it was already 3 months since the graduation. I was spending most of my time on missions with team 8, hanging out with my friends and learning new jutsus.  

Team Kurenai was doing D-ranked missions for a while now and I was slowly getting tired of catching lost animals, babysitting and carrying groceries but the Hokage didn't listen to me when I asked him around a 1000 times for a better mission.  

If you asked me the fact that team 7 just left for a C-ranked mission a few days ago and that we still didn't get one was so unfair. But I stayed serious when I heard about it and wished my sister good luck.  

Hah, like I would ever act like that. The whole thing went a little different.  

I was sitting on a random bench and waiting for Shikamaru when my sister came by. I greeted her and she instantly became all arrogant, saying that her team got a mission that was better than all of hours. The second she explained to be that team Kakashi got a C-ranked mission before team Kurenai I began yelling about how this wasn't fair and began running in circles. After I calmed down we got in to a vicious rant about which team was better. She of course thought that her's was, even if they had Naruto, which apparently didn't do very good for now. Then I began screaming about how we were better. Maybe we did have one silent member but Kiba, Shino and I were great fighters. And at least our sensei wasn't a creepy dude that liked to read pervy books.  

Yeah, I did look in to one of those things once.  

Besides that I also managed to master one of my best justus, the Flow blossom explosion: Thousands of killing petals tornado. I knew that if I would use it on someone I could injure them really badly or kill them because of the destructive power of the jutsu.  

After I mastered that technique I was planning on creating a new one but the truth was that for now I was completely out of ideas. That was why I decided to focus my attention on training my taijutsu, wind release and continuing to yell at the Hokage about getting a better mission.  

'' But old man! You know that we're good enough for a C-ranked mission! '' I begged the Hokage. We just returned from another D-ranked one and I had enough of it.  

'' Not this again... '' Kurenai murmured to herself and sighed.  

Kiba raised his fist in the air. '' I agree with Chi-chan! ''  

Shino didn't show any emotion, even if I was pretty sure that he was also getting bored on D-ranked missions, while Hinata just slightly nodded.  

During the three months I knew my team I became quite good friends with Kiba. We understood each other very well because we were both random and liked to pull pranks and act all goofy and fight with Shino because he was always so creepy.  

I became even better friends with Hinata that I already knew for years and now I was helping her fighting style with Kurenai sensei.  

At first I wasn't sure about Kurenai Yuhi and what kind of person she was but now I really liked her. She was a great teacher, I knew a few new genjutsus and wind release techniques because of her. She also acted all motherly from time to time, yelling when we didn't wear a jacket when it was cold outside or when we didn't finish our vegetables after she took us to eat after a mission . The times when she got mad weren't so pretty and the bad thing was that it actually happened a lot. She was always yelling at Kiba and I when we did stuff like, trying to steal Shino's glasses, use insecticide spray on Shino, and a bunch of other stuff on Shino. Yeah, we liked to mess with Shino and that was the reason he probably didn't like us very much. Even if since our last mission when he used his bugs for the first time I wasn't trying to get him angry. I knew that getting attacked by a swarm of bugs wouldn't be exactly the highlight of my day.  

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