Shoutie (Jungkook x Reader)

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  (Jeongguk's P.O.V)

we finished practice and our manager turned off the music .
" very good guys " he said and smiled .

we were sitting on the floor waiting for our food to come. then we heard the door open and when i turned around my breath went away ! . there was a girl wearing , i didn't know who she was , where did she come from , what's her name , but what i know is that she is different and i want her.

" appa! " she said smiling and hugged our manager grinning , she turned around and bowed to us.
her voice was calming and her smile was making you feel like a drunk person , i couldn't see or hear anything else.

" my beautiful daughter what brought you here? " he asked smiling widely at her.
" i brought you this " she said handing him a box . he opened it and there was a big cake inside it.
" and this is my group of boys " he said and pointed to us.
she smiled shyly and bowed to us .
"i'm Claudia" she said.

"okay i'm gonna leave " she said , but i never wanted that word come out from her pink soft lips.
"NO" i shouted and they all stared at me weirdly .
" i m-mean sh-ee is gonna sh-share with u-us " i stuttered and looked down blushing .
" yes dad misses you , i'm not gonna see you while i'm on a tour with them " Sejin Manager said.

she nodded and sat on the floor in between Taehyung and Namjoon.
" awww she is blushing " Taehyung said and pocked her cheek , and that drove me crazy.
" V HYUNG" i shouted and they stared at me weirdly .
" taste th-the cake " i said and gave him a piece of it blushing.
" you are acting weird " Manager said.
"yeah , you are even louder at me " Hoseok said .
" shoutie " Jimin said and ate a little piece of cake.
" who made this? " Seokjin asked.
" me " she said and all of them said 'waaaah'
" i thought you bought it cause it's very delicious " Namjoon said.
" i have a Cafe " she said and rubbed her arm looking down blushing .

they talked after a while but i just stared at her , whenever she noticed me she blushed and looked down .
" i gotta go now , see ya " she said and stood up.
" WHY? " i shouted again , i wanted to look at her more but then again everyone stared at me weirdly .
" i have to work " she mumbled blushing.
" never mind him , he is acting weird " Namjoon said smiling showing his stupid dimples grabbing every girl's attention .
she smiled shyly at me and went out , i hate how she took my heart with her , my mood dropped .


i miss her so much but why? i saw her for a while but now it's different even from my best girl friend ...i thought i will have feelings for her but not that strong , i have to find her , i think i will die.

we walked down the street with the boys , we took a break from practicing .
" guys let's go drink something " Seokjin said pointing at a Cafe.

whatever , i will just follow them .
we sat on a table , there were not much people because we came out too early . i looked around not paying attention to the waitress , ' i wish she was the waitress ' .
" welcome here - ... oh " wait ! that voice !!
i looked up to see her gorgeous face. it was Claudia , am i dreaming?
" Claudiaaa!! " they all said together but i was too busy staring at her beauty .
" welcome here " she said with her beautiful smile bowing.

she took our orders and left . i already miss her , when will she comeback?!
a boy brought our orders , what?? he works with her???? no way , i have to do something or make sure he is not her boyfriend .
" ummm guys gotta go to bathroom " i said and went to the kitchen secretly .

there she is cooking , good but with no one around , i saw a small door from here .
i went to her and grabbed her wrist running in that room . she didn't say anything when she saw me.
" who is that guy? " i shout-whispered .
" who? " she asked confused .
" the one who brought the orders " i said pinning her to the wall.
" Hongbin?! he i-is my b-brother and h-he helps me here" she stuttered looking at me wide eyes. now she will think i'm stupid and i'm really stupid .
" Jeongguk " my name came out from her perfect lips while i was just staring at her , i wonder how they taste .
" Jeongguk " she repeated . it's too hard for me to take this .

and before i know my lips were brushing against hers . she kissed me back after a while , i forgot how to breath even my name ... all i wanted was to taste her lips .
we backed away gasping for air .

" Jeongguk i-" she started but i cut her off.
"i like u " i said .
" i was acting weird and being too loud in front of you , i didn't know how to act , i wanted to grab your attention and i know i was annoying ..... but .... i will really change because from the first time u came in u took my breath away , u are perfect so please say you like me too and i promise that i stop being weird and shoutie and- " i started but she cut me off.
" i like you too " she said and pecked my lips

i couldn't believe that this was happening to me .
" R-REALLY?! " i nearly shouted .
she laughed blushing and nodded
" oh sorry i said i would change " i said looking down .
" no don't change , i love my shoutie like that , you looked so cute acting like that " she said and blushed making my eyes wide.
" I LOVE YOU " i shouted grinning and hugged her picking her up as she giggled cutely and wrapped her arms around my neck.
" i love you too " she whispered her breathe hitting my mouth .
"be my girlfriend? " i asked nervously

she nodded as i kissed her again and held her tighter .  

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