Chapter 6: What Is This I'm Feeling?

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Vivian's P.O.V 

Fear. Pure, unadulterated fear. That was what was pulsing through my heart when I arrived at the hospital. Every direction I looked in, there was another broken body, another person moaning in pain, another person crying for a loved one. I didn't really know what to do. Fear kept me rooted to the spot, afraid that one wrong move would cause more harm than good. 

"Becca Thompson was brought here after a car crash. Do you know if she's okay? " I asked the nurse at the front desk. She looked between another nurse and me. She cleared her throat, preparing to answer, as she typed in a name that didn't seem to be Becca's name. I was about to ask her about it, when she started talking.

"Yes. Becca Thompson. Well she is in surgery right now, but if you would take a seat, I'm sure the doctor will be out shortly." As she finished, a man in a suit walked up to the front desk. He opened his mouth to talk to the nurse, but firmly closed it and his eyes widened as soon as he saw me. I was confused, but was about to walk away, wanting to put as much distance between us as possible.

"Becca Thompson?" he asked, making me stop dead in my tracks. I whirled around and looked at him. He knew Becca. Who was he?

James' P.O.V

Panic. That's mainly what I was feeling when I got the call. As soon as I got the call from the hospital saying Quinn was in a car crash, I probably broke all kinds of laws, but I didn't care. We might be work partners, but we were also best friends. When I got to the hospital, I ran up to the front desk, but stopped in my tracks at the sight of the Daniels family in the waiting area. I stopped myself from blowing Quinn's cover, and asked for her undercover name. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Vivian spin around and look at me curiously. 

"Who are you, and how do you know Becca?" she asked. I had to think quick. I couldn't just give her my real name.

"Jim. Jim Micheals. I am Becca's best friend. How do you know her?" I asked even though I knew how. I didn't want to seem suspicious.

"She's my, friend." she paused. I took the lie letting her think I believed it. I just smiled and went to sit down. I waited and waited for a doctor to come out. I wasn't a doctor, so I didn't know if it was a good thing for the doctor to take so long or not. It could mean nothing was going wrong and they were saving her, or it could mean something was going wrong and they were not able to fix it. Finally, after what felt like forever, I heard the name I so desperately wanted to hear. I ran up to the doctor, the same time as Vivian did.

"She has sustained four broken ribs, a sprained wrist, a concussion, and a deep gash on her stomach. She had some internal bleeding, but we managed to control it. She is in ICU for right now, so only one person is permitted to visit her at a time before she is moved to a new room." he said. Vivian looked like she wanted to go, but refrained herself, letting me go first. I followed the doctor into her room. My breath got caught in my throat at the sight before me. She looked so pale, fragile, and broken, that it brought tears to my eyes. I walked to her bedside and picked up her hand softly.

"Hey Quinn. You ah, you need to get better, and wake up. You're my best friend, buddy. We're the unbreakable team remember? I mean I know I'm awesome, but who'll be the person standing next to me to make me look better if you died?" I said half hoping she'd respond in our normal banter. When she didn't, I continued. "A lot of people care about you. I mean Vivian's out there, and she looked scared out of her mind. Despite what you've said to me on the phone, she cares. Maybe more than she realizes. So get better. That's an order." I got up and exited the room.

Vivian's P.O.V

As soon as I saw the man claiming to be Becca's best friend leave, I walked down the hall to her hospital room. As soon as I was in the doorway, I had to look away. She looked so broken. I had called her, telling her she needed to come back to my house. I knew she was drunk, but she downplayed it, and drove anyway. She wasn't the reason for the crash, but drunk driving could have caused a different crash. I looked back at her broken, sleeping form and walked to the bed. I took a seat on her left side.

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