Chapter 23: Welcome To The Family

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Vivian's P.O.V

" Sage, did you grab my car keys? I'd like my car back at sometime." Quinn said without her eyes leaving from the book she was reading. I glanced at Sage, whose eyes were widened. 

" Totally." She squeaked. Quinn raised an eyebrow.

" Are you lying to me?" She asked, her voice devoid of any emotion. Sage looked like she was sweating.

" Um, no?" The younger of the two more or less asked. Quinn marked the page she was reading, and turned around to face Sage with narrowed eyes.

" You don't want to lie to me." Quinn stated. Sage gulped.

" Fine. I didn't. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'll-" Sage's pleas for her life were cut off but Quinn raising her hand with a pair of keys dangling between her pointer finger and thumb.

Sage paused, then narrowed her eyes. The laughter I was holding back burst through my lips. Ashley soon joined in, and Quinn smirked. Sage crossed her arms, and mumbled under her breath. Quinn just chuckled, and leaned back in her seat. I grabbed her hand, and smiled when I felt her squeeze. She looked me in the eye, and began to play with my fingers. My eyes narrowed in suspicion as Quinn smirked.

" You know, I have never joined the mile high club." Quinn whispered.

" Oh, I plan to change that." I purred flirtatiously.

Quinn's smile widened. She quickly unbuckled her seat belt, and attempted to casually walk down the aisle. Needless to say, she was failing miserably. Ashley caught my eye, and snorted.

" Don't snort. It's unbecoming." I said sarcastically.

" Neither is a frantic fuck against a plane bathroom door." She quipped.

I bit my lip to hide the smile that was creeping on my face at Sage's thumbs up. Sage was obviously feeling the effects of celibacy. Even if it was against her will. Ashley rolled her eyes at Sage's behavior. I shook my head, and discreetly entered the bathroom.

" What took you so long?" Quinn asked between kisses. I moaned, but it was muffled by her lips.

" I was stopped by Ashley." I mumbled absentmindedly.

I felt fingers running through my hair, and I pulled Quinn closer by the collar of her shirt. A moan made its way out of my throat, and I attempted to seize the volume. A hand crept its way up my thigh gently. I unbuttoned Quinn's shirt, and grasped her bra clad breasts. I swallowed the moan that came from Quinn.

I nipped at Quinn's neck as she slowly slid down my underwear. My head tipped back, and I bit my lip in anticipation. Quinn kissed down my jaw, to my neck, and even further until she reached her destination. I couldn't contain the groan that escaped me as I felt a warm mouth on my nipple.

" You need to be quieter." Quinn hissed. 

" Being quiet during a frantic fuck is a feat." I shot back in frustration. Why'd she stop?

Quinn rolled her eyes, but continued nevertheless. Her hand returned to their place under my skirt. She kissed my neck as she slowly entered my center with two fingers. I hissed in pure lust, and after a moment of letting me adjust to the intrusion, Quinn quickly began to thrust her fingers in a steady pace. I began to go higher, as the plane (unbeknownst to us) descended lower.

I whimpered for her to go faster, and she readily obeyed. After a few minutes of Quinn biting on my neck and fucking me senseless, I reached my climax to the point of having my head in the clouds. No pun intended. After riding out the aftershocks of my orgasm, Quinn carefully extracted her fingers. I shuddered at the empty feeling. My arousal rose once again as I witnessed Quinn put her fingers in her mouth. She moaned, kissed me, and it was my turn to moan as I tasted myself on her tongue.

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