Chapter 12: Out of Sight, Out of Mind

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Vivian's P.O.V

My head snapped up at the sound of a faint whisper. It shattered the steady silence that engulfed the room like a comforter. I wasn't positive of what I heard, but if it was what I thought was spoken was true, it made my heart flutter in my chest. My gaze fell upon my slumbering protector. I glanced at the steady movements of her chest that indicated her breathing; Even if it was because she was plugged into a ventilator. My eyes shifted to the electrocardiographic heart monitor. It had a faint murmur to it. The low thump thump thump was like the beat to my drums. It was music to my ears. I looked at the clock that hung on the wall. I sighed. It had been about a few days since...The accident. Just the thought of what happened put me on edge. My back would stiffen, and my jaw would tense. I instantly shook the thought out of my mind.

" When I was twelve, I was riding my brand new bicycle. It was pink with streamers on the handlebars that flew in the wind. I just recently learned how to ride a bike without training wheels, so I was still new to riding. Anyway, I was about to turn a corner when I suddenly realized something; I didn't know how to turn. I crashed the bike and scraped my knees raw. I dusted myself off, and was fine. Then, I felt liquid gushing from my knees. I immediately glanced down and felt faint at the sight of my blood that was steadily making a track of crimson down my legs. I felt the bile rising in my throat, but I swallowed the vomit down." I paused to reminisce in my memory. Nostalgia was quickly kicking my ass.

" My mother cradled me in her arms, took me inside the house, and walked to the bathroom. She sat me down on the toilet and grabbed the alcohol. I remember her warning. " Brace yourself sweetheart. This is going to sting a bit." She warned me. My mother doused  a cotton ball in the clear liquid, and wiped my knees with it. To this day, I can still feel the sting on my knees, but it doesn't compare to the stinging in my eyes when I think about her." I tried to hold back a sob. Tried. My crying was the only sound in the room besides the sound of Becca's heart beat. I pushed on through the story.

" After she was finished patching me up, she kissed me on the forehead, and told me something that I would never forget. " Vivian, one day I am not going to be here to help you back up when you fall, but I know in my heart that someday someone will be there to catch you before you hit the bottom." I never forgot her words that day. I might not have understood what they meant before, but my eyes are wide open now." I continued to bawl as I felt arms circle my waist. I didn't have to look up to know who it was. I knew by the smell of the cologne that it was my father. I cried harder.

" I never knew your mother said that to you." He said quietly. It was as if he was frightened to break the bubble we were in.

" You weren't there to here it." I spat out harshly. I felt, rather than saw him wince. I heard him sigh calmly.

" I regret that I wasn't there to clean up your scraped knee." I heard the sarcasm underlining his voice. I pulled back from him furiously.

" You really believe that I am pissed because you weren't there to clean me up?! NO! I am furious because you wouldn't have been there even if I hadn't have fallen of my bike. The point I am trying to get through your thick skull, is that you would completely blow us off." I seethed.

" You think I wanted to? Vivian, do you not understand that I was, and still am in the business. All of you would be in danger if I crossed them. I didn't want any of you hurt. I was protecting my family." He was actually trying to defend himself.

" Then why did you even get into all of the trouble anyway?" I asked desperately. His face was contorted into a sorrow I have never seen before. My father broke eye contact, and refused to meet my eyes again.

" I am so sorry. When I took part in the mob, I just did it for the money. We were broke and I had to support three kids and a wife. I was willing to do anything to get the money; I just didn't think that the things I had to sacrifice was my children's safety, and my wife's life." His voice broke off on the last word, and his body wracked with silent sobs. I was torn between comforting my dad and being furious with my father. Most people wouldn't see a difference between a dad and a father, but I saw it clearly. After his sobs subsided, he continued pouring his heart out.

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