Chapter 16: She's Not Who She Says She Is

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Quinn's P.O.V

My eyes snapped open at the sound of the breathless whisper. A wet Vivian stood in the doorway with many emotions running through her deep brown eyes. Relief being the dominant emotion, as well as love? It was clear that love was shining bright in her eyes, but I couldn't get my hopes up.

" Vivian?" I croaked, and just like that, it was like a weight had lifted itself off of Vivian's shoulders. In the blink of an eye, Vivian returned to the seat she had grown accustomed to. 

" You're awake." Vivian stated dumbly. My face broke into a smile. I nodded. She looked as if she were holding back tears. I was hoping for a proclamation of love. I was expecting a tearful hug, or a grasp of the hand. Hell, I would even settle for a friendly hello. I guess my expectations were set too high.

" What the hell do you think you were doing? You could have died!" She blew up. For the past few days, she had been holding in all her emotions. Vivian snorted at that thought. I screeched at everyone who crossed my path. She thought with a dry smile. She felt fear, love, and anger. She decided to show the latter.

" Do you really think I would let you die instead? Besides, I knew I wasn't going to die." Even I didn't believe that false statement. I really didn't think Vivian would. She didn't. She raised an eyebrow.

" Really? Well then, how come you said you were sorry while you were lying across my lap?" She choked out. I could practically hear the lump that was in her throat.

" Because I got blood all over your designer clothes?" My tone raised slightly to let Vivian know I was asking. Vivian's eye twitched.

" You are so stupid." She muttered to herself. I heard her loud and clear. My own anger started to boil, but I forced it down.

" You shouldn't have done that. You could have died. There could have been a better way of helping me without putting yourself in the way." Vivian said while standing up. If she thought I would be intimidated by the fact she was towering over me, then she had another thing coming.

" Vivian, I didn't have a spare moment to think. You are insane if you think I'd let you die." I shot back. Our voices raised, but not enough to be counted as shouting.

" Why? Why don't you want me to die?" She asked with her hands on her hips. I stared at her.

" It's my job. I was hired to protect you." I almost let the truth slip. I couln't risk it. Not now. Vivian shook her head. The look in her eye made me pause. Was that disappointment? I asked myself.

" Is that the only reason?" She asked intensely. I froze. Did she know? How'd she find out? I forced myself to calm down. She wasn't running, so that had to mean she didn't know. If I told her, she'd find me eccentric. I couldn't meet her eyes.

" Yes." I answered in a small voice. Vivian laughed bitterly. I sighed internally, and closed my eyes. Maybe I should tell her. Maybe she'll reciprocate my feelings. Or, maybe she'll think you're a freak. I growled under my breath. It would make my job extremely more difficult. I heard the ear splitting sound of the chair pushing across the linoleum floor. I grimaced.

" I should have known. Damn." Vivian muttered.

" Vivi-"

" Just stop. I have been sitting by your bed side for the last few days. I was scared. I don't think I have ever been more terrified in my life, and you are telling me that you don't care about me?" She asked defeated. My heart broke.

" I never-" I was cut off again.

" Don't. For a second I thought... Nothing. I didn't know what to think. Like you said, you only did it for the job. Well, I'm going to go." Vivian turned around and opened the door. I started to panic. I didn't want to tell her I loved her while I was cooped up in a small hospital room. I wanted to wait.

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