Chapter 10: Realization Hits You Harder Than A Bullet

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Quinn's P.O.V

I escorted Vivian to the car once I locked up the safe house. She was awfully quiet, but I couldn't blame her. I wasn't very talkative either. When we entered the car, Vivian turned on the radio. She was constantly changing the stations, and it was irritating.

" Would you pick something?!" I shouted. She was startled, but she stopped nonetheless.

" I actually enjoy this station." I said when I realized what she chose.

" I actually just randomly stopped." Vivian said absentmindedly. She was too busy staring into the distance. I sighed.

" Whatever. I love modern rock." I informed. The car was engulfed in silence once again. It was thickening by the second, and there was no preventing it. We were halfway back at the house, when Vivian spoke up.

" When do you think all of this will end?" she asked. I was slightly baffled at the question. I honestly hadn't the faintest idea, but I could tell she was troubled by it. Who wouldn’t? Her family was causing her troubles, and there was no see able future of them quitting.

" I don't know, okay? I just don't know. What I do know, is that however long this takes, I'll be there to protect you." I said. A smile lit up Vivian's face, and I felt one of my own mirroring her. I knew I should have felt regret at saying what I said, but I couldn't bring myself to feel it. I knew what I said was true.

" Thank you, Becca." she smiled. My heart broke slightly by the fake name. Vivian still thought I was Becca Thompson, the bodyguard hired by her father, but in fact, I was Quinn Tucker, a lying FBI agent, who was hating herself at the moment.

“ No problem Viv.” I answered shakily. If she heard my uneasiness, she made no comment about it. I pulled my car up into the driveway. I looked around to make sure the coast was clear. When I deemed it sufficient, I allowed Vivian out of the car. We were both near the front door, when I saw an unknown man hidden in the bushes. I saw a gleam from the sun bouncing off something metallic, and I realized it was a gun.

" VIVIAN! WATCH OUT!” I screamed. She was going too slow, so I shoved her out of the way. I heard a bang, and I felt myself hit the ground. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I could tell there was a liquid substance in my lungs. I thought it was blood. I prayed I was wrong, even though I knew I was right. I hate always being right. I thought to myself. I heard another gunshot, followed by a body hitting the ground. I felt my heart drop at the thought of Vivian being on the receiving end of the bullet.

“ BECCA!” I heard a familiar feminine scream. I felt my head being raised from the ground, and placed onto a soft smooth surface.

 " You're going to be fine. You're going to live. Please don't leave me." Vivian cried. I opened my eyes, and took a look around. I saw Robby with a gun in hand, the dead body of my shooter, and blood steadily flowing from my body. I felt something wet hit my face, and I glanced up to see Vivian crying. I understood that my head was in her lap.

 " V- Vi-Vivian?" I gurgled. She quickly shushed me.

" Don't try to talk. Save your strength." She said while softly running her fingers through my hair. The pain in my chest was becoming unbearable, but I refused to close my eyes. In fact, they widened. Realization struck me harder than the bullet did. I just saved Vivian's life. Why? The answer was quite simple. I was in love with her. No matter how much I wanted to prevent it, love snuck up on me, and took me by storm.

“ H-hurts.” I stuttered. It was taking all my strength to keep my eyes open, let alone speak. Vivian messaged my scalp.

" I know. The ambulance is on its way. You'll be fine. Do you hear me? You're going to live. Remember what you said in the car? You said you'd always be by my side, and guess what, it’s mutual. I’ll be there to protect you too. So you have to live." her voice cracked throughout her whole speech. I smiled at what she said.

" I-I l-lo-" I tried to tell her I loved her, but fatigue took over me. My vision began to blur, and I was giving in. No matter how hard I tried, life was obviously trying to tell me something, but what? That I wasn't supposed to live any older? That I wasn't meant to fall in love with the enemy, or that I shouldn’t fall in love with a woman? There were many unjustified reasons, but anyone would be driven mad from the what if’s.

" I-I-I'm s-sorry." I said. She started shaking her head quickly.

" No, no, no, no. You don't get to leave just yet." Vivian started to cry harder. I wanted to reach up, and wipe the tears that I was causing, but I was too weak. A bullet to the chest really takes a lot out of someone. The edges of my vision were starting to fade. So I had to force something, anything, out of my mouth.

“ Goodnight, Vivian.” I whispered. The last thing I heard before fading to black, was an ambulance siren, Robby’s shouts, and Vivian’s pleading for me to open my eyes.

Vivian’s P.O.V

Beep. All I could hear was a long steady beep. It was the sound of a flatline. The one beep was bouncing around my head. All night and all day. Beep. When I ate. When I slept. Beep. It was the sound of my whole world ending so suddenly. The only thing quicker than the ground being ripped out from under me, was how quick realization dawned on me. Love. I thought to myself. I was in love, and a sound of a flatline was what made me realize what I could have had.

The old saying was right. You never know what you got until it’s gone. That was my mantra besides one single long beep. I closed my eyes for a few minutes. I had to clear my head. I was shaken from my thoughts by a gentle hand on my shoulder. I gazed up to find my father before me.

" Room 723." was all he said. It was all I needed. I jumped up from my seat, and walked towards the room with heavy feet. I was hesitant. I was torn so many ways. I wanted to go in, yet I didn't. I wanted to stay, but I wanted to run as far as my feet would allow me before I collapsed. I wanted to cry, but I had to stay strong. There were so many options, but I couldn't pick. It was like a drawer drawing a blank.

When I reached the door, I paused. Did I want to see what was on the other side? Did I want whatever was there to be permanently burned into my mind? I wanted to enter without a doubt, but I couldn't. My legs refused to follow orders. My mouth was too dry; my tongue was too big for my mouth; I couldn't breath. I wasn't the one shot, yet there I was, having a panic attack. Out of nowhere, a pair of arms circled my waist, and I knew it was Rodrick. I flung my arms around him, and for the first time since the maniac in the bush, I broke down completely.

" It's okay. Everything's going to be fine. Cry it out." Rodrick said soothingly. It was almost enough to calm me. Almost.

" HOW DO YOU KNOW?!" I screamed. He was startled at the volume of my pitch, but I didn't give a damn at the moment.

" How can you tell me everything's going to be fine? Can you see the future? No, so don't tell me things that could never happen. Do you want to know something that I just now learned? It doesn't matter if you don't because I'm going to tell you anyway. Becca did something. She made me fall in love with her. It was slowly, but surely. I just now realized when I witnessed her sacrifice herself to protect mine. I didn't give a shit if she would have in the beginning, but she decided to just throw her life away. Why now? She could have done it before I fell in love with her. Does she really have no self regard? I heard what she was going to say, and I never had the chance to say it back. She loves me Rodrick, and now, I don't know if she can love anything." I broke down in sobs that fully racked my body. 

Rodrick was speechless. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my father. I knew he heard my wholehearted speech, but I was so engrossed by my despair to care. I saw fury in his eyes, but that wasn't all that I saw. Sorrow. No parent enjoys seeing their child cry. Even if they are disappointed in them. I wiped my eyes, and entered the room. I didn't care if I was going to have a scream match with my father later. I didn't care about the several pairs of eyes that I gained the attention of. I couldn't care less about my appearance. All I cared about, was the fact that I could lose the most important person I have ever loved, and how she could be gone.

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