Chapter 20: My Sanity Is On A Tightrope

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Vivian's P.O.V

My bloodshot eyes scanned the destroyed remains of what used to be known as my room. I choked back a sob as I heard a loud smash come from the room that was across the hall. Becca was...Quinn was no doubt following my lead.

" Why the hell is this world so twisted?" She shouted to no one in particular. I laid my head against the wall as the same question ran through my mind relentlessly.

I chuckled bitterly when an answer failed to present itself as fast as the questions were. As another disturbance sounded from the next room, I examined the mess I had made. There was a giant hole in the wall due to the shattered lamp that now took its place all over the carpet. Clothes were scattered among the floor in my process of ripping the drawers out of the dresser. Pictures were knocked over, and the glass was in pieces. The sheets were pulled from the bed in my depressed induced stupor.

A broken gasp escaped my throat as the tears began anew. I brought my knees to my chest, and wrapped my arms protectively around myself. I felt as if my sanity was walking along a tightrope with no net to catch it, and one wrong move would send it over the edge to its demise.

Smash! There went another object. I wanted to shout at Quinn to stop breaking my fathers possessions, but the thought of my father caused me to spiral even farther down my abyss of sadness, and it was dark. It was dark, crippling, and there was no going back. The imaginary tightrope was high above the abyss.

Crash! The sounds of anger was like a gentle breeze. It was slowly, but surely pushing me off the rope. I was about to break. I hadn't the faintest clue of what I would do after I passed my breaking point, but someone was about to hurt in more ways than one. In Quinn's case; In more was than two.

I didn't know why she felt the need to be in emotional agony considering that was what she wanted. She wanted to take him out, and the son of a bitch sure did get what she was assigned to do. My upper lip stiffened in anger. My eyes were blazing; My jaw was clenched, and my determination was locked.

Slam! That did it. My sanity tumbled off the rope, and was practically gone within the depths of insanity. I chuckled bitterly with an angered look on my face. I hoisted myself from the floor; Not that I could see it. I nearly put another hole in the wall when I threw the door open, and the doorknob made impact with the paper thin wall. She needed to shut the hell up, and she had to do it at that very fucking moment.

Quinn's P.O.V

When I entered my dark room, I growled in frustration. When I raised my arm to run it through my hair, I hissed in pain before I could lift it halfway in the air. Anger surged through me as a reminder of my  'supposed assasination' ran through my mind.

Shame washed over me after I felt justification in Robby's death. I felt many, many emotions all at once. Anger at the situation; Sadness for Vivian; Shame for my anger; Guilt for leaving everyone else to take care of their own relatives body. Subconsciously, I gripped the alarm clock, and threw it at the wall.

As pieces of the clock broke, my eyes were glued to the flashing 12:00 that lit up, then darkened the room. I sighed, then leaned against the wall, and slid down slowly. Self hatred consumed me violently. I picked up a mirror that conveniently happened to be within my reaching distance. At least to where I was able to reach without causing any pain. My reflection peered at me, and I scowled back.

" Why the hell is this world so twisted?" I shouted at my reflection. I grimaced when it didn't respond.

I had enough of the mocking I believed was coming from my reflection, and I smashed it on the floor. The glass shattered, and the large pieces managed to faintly cut my palm. A hiss escaped my throat. I applied pressure to stop the light bleeding, but I gave up soon after. It wasn't as if the amount could kill me.

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