Chapter 14: All That I'm Living For

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Quinn's P.O.V

 I could hear voices around me. I looked around to locate the owners of said voices, but no matter where I looked, no one was there. The only thing visible was the open field I was standing in. 

" Where are you? Hello?" I called out.

 All I received was an empty silence. I glanced down at the soft cut grass beneath my bare feet. When my eyes shifted up, I was met with a dazzling smile from none other than Vivian.

" Vivian!" I shouted with a mega watt smile. I took off in a sprint in her direction. When  I reached her, I attempted to throw my arms around her, but I was met with air. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I looked up from my arms to see Vivian laughing at me.

" What just happened?" I asked with a confused smile. I wasn't answered, but she silently walked up to me. I stood stock still while she stalked up to me with a smirk. I swallowed audibly. She stopped in front of me. We held eye contact for a moment before I averted my eyes. I was about to open my mouth once more, but she beat me to it.

 " When I was twelve, I was riding my brand new bicycle. It was pink with streamers on the handlebars that flew in the wind. I just recently learned how to ride a bike without training wheels, so I was still new to riding. Anyway, I was about to turn a corner when I suddenly realized something; I didn't know how to turn. I crashed the bike and scraped my knees raw. I dusted myself off, and was fine. Then, I felt liquid gushing from my knees. I immediately glanced down and felt faint at the sight of my blood that was steadily making a track of crimson down my legs. I felt the bile rising in my throat, but I swallowed the vomit down." She paused. I didn't say a word.

" My mother cradled me in her arms, took me inside the house, and walked to the bathroom. She sat me down on the toilet and grabbed the alcohol. I remember her warning. " Brace yourself sweetheart. This is going to sting a bit." She warned me. My mother doused  a cotton ball in the clear liquid, and wiped my knees with it. To this day, I can still feel the sting on my knees, but it doesn't compare to the stinging in my eyes when I think about her." I could hear the tears in her voice. I tried to comfort her, but again, I was met with nothing.

" After she was finished patching me up, she kissed me on the forehead, and told me something that I would never forget. " Vivian, one day I am not going to be here to help you back up when you fall, but I know in my heart that someday someone will be there to catch you before you hit the bottom." I never forgot her words that day. I might not have understood what they meant before, but my eyes are wide open now." After her childhood story, she broke out into sobs that broke my heart. I desperately tried to get her to calm down, but to no avail.

" Please, Vivian. I don't want you to be sad anymore." Before I could say another word, Vivian vanished. I gasped in shock. I extended my arm to where she stood seconds before, but my fingers grasped only the air once again.

" Vivian? Where'd you go?" I shouted. I started to panic as I sunk to the ground. I couldn't care less about the fact I was ruining my shorts. My throat started to tighten, and air was hard to catch. I clawed at my throat, but air refused to enter my throat. Suddenly, my world faded to black.

When I awoke some time later, I was in my office at work. I glanced around the room. It was unnaturally silent; It was quite eerie. My mind instantly wandered to my massive amounts of paperwork. When I realized that my desk was free of work, I sighed in relief. A shadow stood in the doorway. A smile crossed my face when I saw it was James.

 " Becca? If you can hear me, it's Jim." I was confused.

" Why are you calling me Becca? None of the Daniels are here; On that note, why are you calling yourself Jim?" He just continued as if I hadn't said a word.

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