Chapter 7: The Heart Wants What The Head Doesn't

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Quinn's P.O.V

It has been a week since the accident, and I arrived back at the Daniels' home earlier that day. Vivian has been hovering over me since I had woken up after surgery. I have been telling her constantly that I was alright, but it just went through one ear and out the other. At least she's not pissed anymore. She said she wasn't mad, but I have a feeling there was more to her avoidance.

I was lying in my bed staring up at the ceiling. I thought back on the past month I have been a bodyguard for Vivian. I couldn't comprehend my feelings toward her, and I was one hundred percent positive I didn't want to. She might not have been working with the drugs and murders, but she was an accomplice. I couldn't develop a crush on the enemy. I refused to let it happen.

I remember when I was back in my coma, I heard bits and pieces of what people were saying to me. I remember Vivian saying she had a crush on me. It made my heart soar, but I quickly berated myself for it. My heart should have stopped in trepidation, not soar in happiness. I had to forcefully shove my feelings aside to take care of my job. My head had to be the one I follow not my heart. I was ripped from my thoughts by a knock on the door. I yelled at whoever it was to come in.

" Hey, I just wanted to know if you needed anything." Vivian asked as she sat on the end of my bed. My heart fluttered, but I chose to ignore it. As I said before, the two of us will never happen. I sighed in sadness at the thought.

" No I'm fine. Thanks anyway." I replied. Part of me wanted her to leave me alone. That part was my logical side. A bigger part of me needed her to be with me. That was my heart. They say the heart wants what the heart wants, but what my heart wants, is someone that my head doesn't. I wish my head and my heart were in sync.

" Well you tell me if you do alright? I'm right across the hall." she said. She hesitantly rose from the bed. I knew she didn't want to go, I didn't want her to either, but I had to let her go. She made it to the door, when I couldn't take it anymore.

" Vivian wait," she turned around to face me " uh could you make it a bit cooler in here? It's a little warm." I mentally face palmed. I almost asked her to to stay, and I couldn't allow that. She nodded and turned the air on. She had a small look of disappointment on her face. My heart broke at the thought of me doing that to her. I had to snap myself out of my stupor.

Vivian's P.O.V

I blew the hair out of my face. I was disappointed. I wanted to stay, but I didn't want to intrude. How could anyone stay somewhere they're not welcomed. Since Becca's accident, I admit I have been a bit protective, but with her nearly dying, it made me realize I had a crush on her. I wasn't in love, but I could see myself loving her. I violently shook my head at the thought. She's your bodyguard. You only have a crush on her, and the thing about crushes, is that they pass. I thought. I picked up my phone, and dialed Ashley's number. I didn't give her time to answer before I started to rant.

" I have a crush on my bodyguard. I am not supposed to have a crush on my bodyguard. HELP ME!" I nearly screamed the last part. There was a pause as she absorbed the information I have given her.

" Well, she is pretty hot. She might be your bodyguard, but you should try to befriend her first, then see where it goes from there. If what you say is right, then a crush will eventually pass. You two might not get together, but at least you gained a new friend." Ashley said. She was right, either we get together or we don't, but in the end of it all, I'll have a new friend.

" Thanks Ashley. I got to go." I said. She replied, then we hung up. Why did I have to like Becca? My heart wants her, but my head doesn't. Why did this have to be so complicated? I threw myself onto my bed, and closed my eyes. I didn't fall asleep, but I started to daydream. I started to daydream about someone in particular.

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