Chapter 2:

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Edited 4/12/18. Let me know if I missed anything!


Chapter 2:

Stepping out of Elder Jacobs arms I looked up, and smiled at him.

Glancing down at me he smiled, and then spoke, "How was your mission my dear? Not to hard I presume?"

"It was good, fairly easy. You should have seen the shock on his face when I told him his angel power doesn't work on me. It was quite funny if I do say so myself." I said smiling.

Head Elder Jacob smiled back, bringing his hand up to ruffle my hair as I groaned in protest.

"If you thought it was funny then I know it would have been funny, sense you are quite the little court jester of our group. Always doing this, or that and making everyone smile. Though sometimes I do wonder." He said rubbing his chin thoughtfully as he took hold of my arm as we walked up the stairs entering the mansion.

Walking through the main halls everyone that we passed greeted me with either a handshake then presented us with courtly bows. It was traditional to show respect to the higher ranking members by bowing, though it mostly happens to the High Council members but to Head Elder Jacob there was a lot more to it. Everybody respected, loved him, and some envied him. 

He is one of the bravest, most courageous and enlightening Elders to have lived. At least in my opinion. He has held the High Council together for years upon years before all the Elder Council members fully sat in their positions today. Head Elder Jacob is the reining High Council member.

All of our races went through a rough hardship many years ago when the previous Elders on the High Council started causing conflict, which later resulted in a reelection for High Council members among the races. The previous Elders lost sight of what was right, and tried to take over bit by bit, seeking power instead of keeping the peace. Head Elder Jacob was the only one who stayed true to his oath, which gained the respect of many. Not once did he falter from his path. Pained by the fact that the previous Elders forsake their oath he strode to create a better, and more loyal High Council to help rule the races, and preserve us.

The High Council members we have now are amazing, and I couldn't have hoped for better Elders. They all ring true with their oaths, and seek nothing more than to keep the peace of the treaties intact.

I would gladly lay down my life for them. They are true High Council members worthy of respect.

Holding my head high we continued walking through the many halls, until we came to the High Council's meeting room.

Right then I knew. I could feel the change. The heaviness in the air. It vibrated through the air, it was hard to miss.

The High Council had a very important, and dangerous mission for me take on. We have only ever used the High Council room if we need to talk without being overheard during a debriefing.

Walking into the room all the Elders were already there sitting around the half circle table talking. Upon our arrival they stopped and rose from their seats bowing their heads in acknowledgement. 

Releasing my arm Head Elder Jacob turned and shut the door locking it in the process. So we would have no disruptions, then walked over and sat in his seat at the head of the table.

Standing proudly in front of them I delivered a courtly bow, then straightened my stance. Spreading my legs while I placed my hands behind my back in a more formal manner.

"Aaliyah, we have a very important, and dangerous mission for you. We know that you have just gotten back from your last mission but this one is urgent and needs to be executed, as soon as possible. You will have a few days to rest, and train, and then you will be leaving." Head Elder Jacob says to me looking grim as he rested his hands on top of the table.

"You will be traveling to California. You will have to be very cautious because where you will need to go is right near the border of the Black Night Pack." Elder Serena said looking into my eyes confidence radiating from her eyes as she looked at me.

"You as well as us know how dangerous this mission is. Because one wrong move, and the Black Night Pack will take you out. You know their reputation." Elder Angelica said softly looking worried.

"You're mission is to take out a dangerous rogue that has been plaguing around the area. Others have tried to hunt him down, and were killed in the process. We would send more people with you for back up but you know how dangerous that would be, and it would draw to much attention that we do not need at this moment. Many know that the High Council deals with such things but most don't like interference so close to pack lands." Elder Cain said making a face not liking that the packs don't always agree with our methods, even though it's for the greater good.

"Here are your debriefing files. We have bought a house over there for you to live, and stay in until your mission is complete. We know how you like to study your prey first. If you need any weapons just make a list, and we will send them. The house is already being installed with hidden rooms that are stored with weapons as we speak." Elder Stefan finished off looking satisfied, and confident that I will not fail them.

"Careful, the rogue may not be working alone." Elder Angelica said and she gave me smile.

I bowed my head in acknowledgement as I accepted the file from Elder Stefan.

"It will be done. You can count on me, Elders." I said as I turned to leave.

Unlocking the door, I walked out of the council room, and started making my way to my room.

Walking passed the living room the other assassins stopped what they were doing, and looked at me then file located in my hands.

Glancing at them nodded as they bowed their heads.

They knew.  Because of the file located in my hands is a different color.  Every file is color coded thanks to Mariah.

Yellow is a weak mission.

Orange is an average mission.

Pink is a semi-hard mission.

And Red is an extremely dangerous mission.  

That few ever come back from. I have a Red File.

It is one of the highest honors being selected to take on a red file. Every mission is personally selected by the Elders and given to certain assassins according to our ranks.

Right now I am the highest ranking assassin.


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