Chapter 8:

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Some more reading for y'all :))

(Edited 04/14/18. Let me know if I missed anything please!)


Chapter 8:

  ~~Flash Back~~

It was my third mission I got a pink envelop.

I had been assigned to take out two rogues that were kidnapping, raping, and then murdering girls from different packs. Then leaving their bodies along the territory lines for the pack to find, as  a sick twisted joke.

I spent a great deal of time tracking them down and now I had just found them. If only I could have known...

Finding them I saw them going after two girls that were from another pack, so I ran towards them shouting at them to run and get as far away as they could, to safety.

Luckily, they did as they were told leaving the rogues to me. Watching as they turned around to snarl at me for ruining their chance to kidnap new prey.

They smiled as me evilly. I could feel the evil taint poring out of them making me slightly nauseous. 

"Look, what we have here. A little wolfie bitch that ruined our preying habits." One rogue growled out, glaring at me.

"But at least we can have you, if not them!" the other rogue said and before I knew it they had both appeared in front of me, capturing my arms and legs.

I could do nothing no matter how hard I struggled. I was completely useless for the first time since I started hunting rogues for the High Council. I could feel panic start to seep into my bones but pushed it away. I needed to be strong. I have a mission to complete.

The rogues brought me back to their hide out, laughing and smiling as they walked down a dark and molded hallway reaching a slightly damaged metal door. Hitting the door open they took me down the dark stairs into a filthy room that made me gag as my eyes water. Fear, pain and the stench of blood were over powering. 

Walking forward they chained my hands up to the wall with silver cuffs as they laughed. One of them got into my face, and I had to hold my breath as his breathe hit me nearly making me gag.

"Let the fun begin, wolfie." He whispered as he looked at me with lust making me shiver in disgust.

I was helpless chained up to the wall as they raped, and beat me. Leaving the room only to come back a few hours later and repeat it over and over again. But I had no regrets. It was either me or the girl that was there, she didn't look like she could take much more. I could see her bones sticking out, and see the hopelessness in her eyes. She had no hope of getting out of there alive.

It made me sick, and angry. How dare these filthy rogues do this.

I have no idea how long I was kept down there with the other girl, she has said she had been there since almost the beginning. I felt truly sorry and horrified for her, having to witness at the happened.

She said these two rogues used to be in her fathers pack but were banished once she caught them doing unforgivable acts, and told her father.

Then one day the two rogues came back again, to teach me another lesson, well almost.

They were just about to start another lesson when my mother, and two other trusted assassins showed up.

Upon seeing the girl, whose name was Bridget, and I they attacked, and showed no mercy as they killed them. Bringing instant relief, and hope to us.

After returning Bridget to her father, we went back home but I wasn't the same. How could I ever be the same again. After all that they had down to me.

Locking myself inside of my room, I also hide inside myself to cope with everything that had happened.

I didn't talk to anyone but Chloe, Jeremiah, my mom, and my Dad. They were the only people I knew I could ever fully trust.

~~End of Flash back~~  


Looking up I saw that the pack was watching me looking confused at what was going on. And sadly so was my mate.

I couldn't look him in the eyes. I just couldn't, how could I?

Feeling someone touch me, I turned to look at them watching their faces.

Chloe, was the one that had touched me, she had a such a sad expression on her face, I could hardly bare to look at her. I hate the sympathy. It made me feel weak. A lot has changed since that day but I've gotten a lot stronger. 

"Are you okay?" she asked softly almost afraid to speak louder.

Nodding my head, I removed her hand from me then moved away.

"But I want to be alone for a while." I ask softly, I need to think. Everything happened so long ago but I hate to admit that sometimes it still affected me. No matter how hard I try to suppress it.

Chloe reached for me again but I moved away, not wanting to be touched.

"Aaliyah..." she started but I cut her off with a slight wave of my hand.

"Don't worry. I am fine. Really, I am. I just want sometime alone. To think." I said smiling softly.

She nodded her head understanding, and said, "Okay." Then walked away.

Sighing, I turned, and walked out of the forest. Then back through the town, and over to my bike that was in the alleyway.

Backing it out of the alleyway. I listened as I turned the key in the ignition, and felt my bike roar to life. Feeling satisfied at the familiar feeling of my bike I relaxed, then reached around grabbing my helmet putting it on. Situating myself I took off hearing my tires squealing as I flew down the streets out of down into the country side.

Relaxing as the scenery flew passed. Feeling freedom.  


awe poor Aaliyah, and poor girls. D:

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-Becca <3

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