Chapter 27

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Hello readers! Hope you are enjoying my story! Here is another update for all of you!

(Edited 04/17/18. Let me know if I missed anything please!


Chapter 27:

About an hour later we were sitting in the kitchen. I was eating a bunch of pancakes with lots of maple syrup, strawberries, and whipped cream, washing it down with orange juice, as Vlad sat next to me drinking his regular cup of black coffee.

Looking at him out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smiling as he watched me eat. Leaning into his touch as he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

Swallowing my orange juice I turned to look at him.

"You know, it wouldn't hurt for you to eat breakfast every once in a while too." I pouted as he laughed.

"I prefer to just drink coffee in the mornings." He replied with a smile.

"I know, but all you do is watch me then." I whined.

"But I love watching you eat. Even more so now that I know you are carrying our pups." He practically purred as he swooped down and stole a kiss from me.

Onika brushed herself up against me in contentment, and joy as he mentioned our pups.

Our pups.

'They will be a great father, and even better Alpha.' Onika said proudly.

'How do you know?' I asked her.

'His wolf is strong which means he is a strong Alpha, but it's my opinion that he is great. Though for the first part. You can see that he will be a great father after all, we've just confirmed this morning that we are with pup, and look at how happy and content he is, even Maldun, his wolf is happy.' Onika replied in a duh tone.

'Brat.' I commented with a smirk.

'Over thinking Human.' She shot back.

Laughing out loud, Vlad pressed himself closer.

"What?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Just Onika. I called her a brat, and she called me an over thinking human!" I said hearing him chuckle, and nuzzle into my neck.

"She also, said she thinks you'll be a great father, and an even greater alpha." I said after a moment of silence.

Dragging me into his arms, he placed me on his lap and tilted my head up to look him in the eyes. It wasn't hard to see the pride and love shining down at us.

"Oh, and what do you think?" He asked softly.

"I agree with her, though I am still slightly upset that she was the one that told me you were an alpha and not you." I replied still loving into his eyes, as emotions shot across his face.

"I wanted to tell you. I truly did. I just didn't know what you would do, I didn't and don't ever want to lose you. You are our ours. When we found out you were our true mate, we could barely contain ourselves we wanted to tell you instantly. But we couldn't, I mean would you even have believed us? You believe that pathetic Alpha of the Black Night Pack was your mate." He said holding my cheek as he growled out the last part.

Reaching my hand up I rested it against his face, then leaned up and captured his lips in mine.

"It doesn't matter anymore. We are together now, and nothing will ever separate us. Though, I don't want any lies between us, I want you to come to me about everything. We both would rather hear everything from you, and not from someone else. Agreed?" I whispered looking into his eyes, as he nodded.

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