Chapter 5:

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Another Chapter :)

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(Edited 04/12/18. Let me know if I missed anything please!)


Chapter 5:  

During my fight with the rogue, I could feel eyes latched upon my form. Left, right, uppercut, throat punch, jump back and block.

My target started growling more as he lashed out trying to land a hit, as I countered and jumped back another step.

"Alpha, maybe someone should intervene she's just a little girl." I heard someone from the Black Night Pack say.  

Scoffing at their comment I throat punched the rogue again as I kicked him a couple feet away into a bunch of trees and turned to the pack.

"I am not a little girl, I may look small but I sure as hell can pack a punch and hold my own in a fighting match, exhibit A. Also, I am not afraid of death. So, don't intervene in something that is not your fight." I said as I narrowed my eyes at them as I felt the rogues aura get ready to pounce.

"You will die Council member scum!" He growled out enraged and leapt at me, whirling around I  caught him off as I punched him in the face twice then jabbed his cracked ribs, hearing him groan in pain as gasps echoed around us.

"A council member." People in the pack started whispering. "What is a Council member doing here?" "Why is she fighting the rogue? I thought council members stayed passive?" 

Chuckling at their foolish comments I focused my attention on the rogue.

"Awe, little rogue you got it wrong. I am NOT a council member." I said watching his face flutter with confusion while feeling confusion from the pack members.

I smiled doing a slight bow keeping my eyes on him, "I am a High Council Assassin. But good guess, you got some what close to the truth."

Watching with delight as slight fear crossed across his face reaching his eyes. Then turning cold as he glared and snarled at me.

"Awe, don't get scared now, especially when we have just finally decided to play." I said smiling evilly tilting my head. Let's play.

Taking off my leather jacket I threw it off to the side and jumped around on the balls of my feet. Feeling the pack members unease at find out who I was. Feeling all of their eyes upon my back as I knew everyone could see my High Council Assassin tattoo from that position. Everyone but the rogue. I could practically feel their respect radiating off of them as they took in my tattoo.

"I never actually seen the High Council Assassin tattoo. I bet it looks nice. I head you have to go through some extreme tests to finally achieve a rank. But it doesn't matter to me, you will still end up dead, just like all of the others that pathetic Council sent after me." He spit out hoping to trigger something in me but instead gaining the growls of the Black Night Pack at his lack of respect for the Elders.

"If you hoped to trigger something, you have obviously failed. I mean is that how you really expected to hit my sweet spot? You are going to have to work a lot harder than that. Besides, I won't be deterred from my course. I know all about what you have done. I know every name of every person who you killed. Where you have lived, your favorite hide out spots in New Orleans, Santa Fe, Arizona City, Miami, Ontario, I could go on and on with this listing. S in short, I know pretty much everything about you. I must say though, you are the most interesting rogue that the High Council has ever sent me to kill. Such a pity...wait no. Joy that you will die by my hands." I said snapping my fingers as I laughed.

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