Dazai Osamu

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You never got to know how Naomi convinced you to play this stupid game. It was Atsushi's anniversary in the Agency and after a little party with drinking and snacks, Ranpo made the suggestion of playing 'Seven Minutes in Heaven'. Everyone was excited since it was good mood change after all those fights against Port Mafia and The Guild.
Though, you hoped not to get a certain suicide maniac that was flirting with the waitress again for a lovers suicide. God you hated this. "Earth to [Y/n]-chan. Pick an item." Naomi said, shoving Ranpo's cap in your face. There were plenty paper slips with names in there. You sighed as your hand went in the cap, looking through the papers for a bit. Finally, you pulled out a paper slip. Before you could look at who you got, Naomi snatched the paper slip from you and read it. A sly grin made you flinch when she grabbed you and threw you into the closet. "Your choice will follow soon. Prepare yourself." the younger Tanizaki sibling shouted.
In complete darkness, you sat down and sighed heavily. You hoped you didn't got Ranpo.. or Tanizaki-san. Naomi would kill you. After a minute, the door opened again and someone crashed into your form. You laid under a taller male, that just grumbled something. Though you didn't see his face, you recognized his voice and blushed. "D..Dazai-kun?" you asked quietly. Dazai blinked and chuckled lightly. "I'm sorry. You are not hurt, are ya?" he asked and gently took your arm as he stood up. He pulled you in his lap, because there was not much space in the closet and he was more comfortable with this closeness. "No, I am fine. Though I'm sorry as well." you mumbled.
„Why are you sorry?" Dazai asked, clearly puzzled. "That you got me instead of that waitress." you explained. Dazai was silent before he burst out into laughter. "You are so cute [Y/n]-chan." he giggled and put his hand on top of your head. You looked up and slowly started to see his face after your eyes got used to the darkness. "W..What are you saying?" now it was your turn to be puzzled. Dazai smirked and his hand traveled down your face. "You are jealous." he stated. "I..I am not!" God, you were glad it was dark, so he wasn't able to see your red face. At least you hoped. His grin widened and his face came closer to yours until his breath hit your lips. "You are. And I am glad to finally know your true feelings [Y/n]-chan." he whispered and closed the distance between your lips.
At first, you were shocked by his kiss and tried to calm down. His lips were so soft and he was so gentle. After you snapped out of your inital shock you kissed him back. You felt his grin against your lips when his hands started to hold your hips. Your arms slowly wrapped around his neck to deepen the kiss. What seemed like eternity only lasted about two minutes before he pulled away from you. "So.. does that mean you flirted with her to make me jealous?" you asked him. Dazai chuckled and kissed your check, licking to your lip with his tongue. "Pretty good plan to check if the girl I love returns my feelings, huh?" he smirked and let his hands wander under your shirt, gracing your bare skin.
You shuddered and buried your face in his neck. "Sneaky bastard.." you mumbled against his skin as his hand cupped your left breast. "Aww, don't you have to tell now that you love me too?" he asked in a playful, hurt tone. He was Dazai Osamu after all, a troll. "Nope." you grinned, making him pout lightly. "Then I have to flirt more with that cute waitress~" he teased you. "NO! Fine.. I love you. And now kiss me more.." you demanded. "As you wish~" he smirked and kissed your lips once more. This time he was more passionate and pressed you against the door. You moaned in the kiss when he was about to reach into your pants. Almost, he forgot that the time was about to end when..
The door opened and both of you fell out. As you were half naked and a blushing mess, around you stood your friends from the Agency, looking in awe. It was silent. Until Ranpo crossed his arms and sulked. "Dammit, now I owe the Director 20, 000 Yen.." he whined. Dazai sighed before he stood up and took you in his arms -- bridal style. "You are about to owe him even more when I am finished with her~" he smirked, making you blush even more. With a cheering background from Kenji and Tanizaki, Dazai went up the stairs to a more private room to continue what you started~

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