Ranpo Edogawa

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The evening was young and all work in the Agency was done for now. Of course, thanks to Ranpo another difficult murder case was solved in no time. To celebrate his 5, 000th solved case, Ranpo was in mood to throw a party for his friends. - Of course under the condition that he didn't have to pay. He was the great Ranpo after all.
Kunikida wasn't excited, but since it was a special evening, he made an exception. Though, after a short while you sat between the others and nobody knew what to do next. Parties weren't things the Agency members were experienced with. "Anyone heard of this American Party Game.. It's called like.. Seven Minutes in Heaven?" Naomi asked, her gaze fixated on the computer monitor as she googled some games. "No. What's that about?" Dazai asked curiously. "Well, we all have to put items from personal belongings into a bag or something and then one person is designated to pull something out, but the person doesn't know which belongs to who. After that, they are both forced to spend 7 minutes in a closet or a bedroom or something. And they are supposed to make out.. To kiss or something like that." the black haired girl explained.
"Sounds boring." Ranpo sighed. He wanted to sleep after he ran out of sweets. "No, we are playing this game now." you grinned, knowing well that Ranpo would be pissed if he has to go with a person he disliked. "You are no fun, [Y/n]" the detective pouted with his cute face, making you blush slightly.
"Well, since you said we have to play, you can choose first [Y/n]-chan." Dazai grinned, shoving the bag to you. "I don't mind." you shrugged and put your hand into it. After what seemed like an eternity, you grabbed hold of something small, round. It felt like some package for sweets. Knowing all too well who could possibly be the only one that puts his sweets in there, you pulled out a caramel bonbon. "Seems like I got you Ranpo." you smirked, making the black haired male to narrow his closed eyes. "Hey, I didn't know I had a bonbon left. Give it back to me!" he whined like a kid, trying to get it from you. "After the game." you chuckled, making Ranpo a bit pissed. He wanted his sweets now.
"Okay lovebirds, save that for the closet." Tanizaki smiled and pushed both of you in the closet. Ranpo sighed heavily, clinging on your form to look for his sweets. "Don't be mean [Y/n]-chan~ Give me the bonbon, please?" he asked in a cute voice. You smiled a bit, though it was too dark to see anything. "I told you Ranpo.. First we play." you told him. Ranpo sighed and took your shoulders, shaking you a bit. "You love to torture me, don't you?" he asked. Maybe it was your imagination, but you swear his tone was kinda sad. Or he was frustrated because of his need for sugar. "Alright, I'll give you the bonbon. But only on one condition." you gave in, but not completely. "Yes?"
His eyes widened in shock when you took the bonbon in your mouth, holding it between your teeth. "Take it from me. With your mouth~" you playfully purred. Ranpo gulped, he was a blushing mess right now and he didn't even know why. "D..Do I have to..?" he asked, unsure; though, there was some kind of excitement in his voice. "Damn it Ranpo, kiss me already!" your demand made Ranpo blink in surprise, but he recovered soon and pressed his smooth lips on yours in an experimental way. It almost was like he never kissed before. His lips were slightly shaking and his movements were messy, but nonetheless you liked his lips. He tasted sweet like his bonbons.
Ranpo gasped when he noticed your tongue trying to push the bonbon in his mouth. Feeling helpless with your teasing, he pulled you into a hug, deepening the kiss. After you pulled back, he was chewing absentmindedly on the bonbon. "What tastes better? The bonbon or me?" you asked with a smile. The black haired male was silent for a moment, before he grinned and pushed you against the wall of the closet. His eyes were open now and you saw the glimmering emerald orbs in the dark, shining with mischief. "I think you, but to make an absolute decision I am afraid I need a second try of your taste." he grinned, slamming his lips against yours in a heated kiss. His changed behavior startled you at first. Ranpo never reacted on your flirt attempts and he never was so much into this before. A low moan escaped your lips, when his hands roamed your body. He tried to dominate the kiss, but since he was inexperienced you won the tongue battle with ease. He growled in frustration and squeezed your butt tightly.
You gasped in surprise then he licked your upper lip and took this chance to invade your mouth. "R..Ranpo-kun.." you managed to moan into his mouth, when the older male grabbed your hips to put your legs around his waist. „Times up, you better be dressed~" Naomi sang and opened the door.
Kenji and Dazai wolf-whistled while Atsushi was blushing like crazy, covering Kyouka's eyes to save her innocence. Ranpo and you didn't seemed to notice the open door, when he undressed your top slowly. "Uhm.. I guess we have to take another closet for the rest of the game." Atsushi smiled, trying not to be awkward. Ranpo pulled away from you and looked to the open door. "Shut the door. And tell the director, we are busy until late at night~ Oh and to your question [Y/n]-chan.. You are the sweetest thing I ever had~"

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