Chuuya Nakahara

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You weren't sure if Ougai and Yukichi had an alliance, but you would never guessed there would be a situation like this now. The members of the Port Mafia and the Agency sat in the same room, drinking, laughing and seemed to forgot they were enemies from not a long time ago. It was the celebration of the Alliance and everyone was in good mood. Well, everyone but two people who constantly teased each other. "No alcohol for this midget~ As you can see, he is way too young." Dazai smirked at the waitress, trying to avoid the raged kicks that were from a certain brown haired male. "Bastard, I'll kill you for sure!" Chuuya hissed, trying to strangle Dazai as usual. "Aww come on, don't be like that. We are partners now, like we used to be. Be happy Chuuya~" Dazai grinned, he was clearly drunk by now.
"Okay Dazai, that's enough for now. Why don't you go to Kunikida-kun?" you said, pulling him away by his trench coat. After Dazai left to tease Kunikida, you sat beside Chuuya. "You should stop feeling provoked by his words. It's just what he wants." you told him. „Tch, I am not provoked by his words. He is just a big jerk and I hate him." Chuuya sighed, turning around and pulling his hat to his face. "Yeah, sure. Make sure to invite me to the wedding." you sighed and prepared to be hit by him for this comment. Instead he just looked at you with a blank expression. "Chuuya? Everything alright?"
Before he was able to answer, Elise shouted that she wanted to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. Of course Ougai fulfilled her wishes with no questions and everyone was forced to play along. "[Y/n]-nee-chan go first!" Elise grinned, shoving a bag to you. You merely sighed and searched through the items. Something interesting catched your attention. It felt metallic with a round end.. You pulled it out, and it was a microphone. "Oh, we have a singer here? Would the talented voice please stand up?" Ougai grinned. He already knew who the singer was.
Chuuya let out a heavy sigh, when he stood up slowly. "The midget has a microphone? Oh Chuuya, you are kind of pathetic~ well better than a love doll huh?" Dazai grinned before he got knocked out by Kunikida. The executive member ignored him this time and took your hand without saying a word. He walked up to the closet, and when you both were inside Elise locked the door. "Seven minutes~ and Chuuya.. try to leave your pants on." the girl giggled.
Chuuya cursed under his breath, before he sighed. Why did he play this stupid game in the first place? Oh sure, he had to. And he kinda wished to be paired up with you. Wait, what?
"Chuuya? Everything alright? You're acting strange lately.." you told him. "It's nothing. I am not used to being on friendly terms with the Agency. That's all." he answered. Somehow you knew there was more behind it. Could the reason be that you spent a lot of time with Dazai with him flirting with you the whole time? You and Chuuya were always good friends and you thought he would never feel the same way you started to feel. But his jealousy was kind of cute. "Could it be.. that you are jealous of Dazai? He's been trying to seduce me for quite some time now." you chuckled. Chuuya's body stiffened as he clenched his fists. "As long as you're smart enough not to fall for his tricks, there is no reason to be jea... Wait, I am not jealous at all!" he corrected himself with a blushing face. Now you were absolutely sure. This man was head over heels for you. That's why he was acting strange.
"Don't worry. I don't even like him 4% in comparison to you." you said, pulling him into a kiss. Chuuya didn't respond at first, he was too shocked. Eventually he recovered and took you by your shoulders. You were pulled into his lap, and his hands grabbed your hair. In no time he had full control of the kiss. Chuuya groaned demanding to get access to your wet cavern. Without hesitating you opened your mouth a bit, letting his tongue invade the new area. Your arms flung around his neck when the kiss got more heated.
The lack of oxygen made this make out session end way too quickly. "For your information.." he began, stroking your hair. "I wasn't jealous because he tried to get you. I was pissed that you didn't try to stop him with a fist in his dumb face." he breathed against your neck, nibbling the skin there lightly. You bit your lip and closed your eyes, loving his ministrations. "Maybe I had to make you jealous because I was tired of waiting for you to make the first move, mister Fancy – no-good-at-reading-women hat~" you teased him.
Chuuya chuckled lowly, only you were allowed to tease him without being punished. Well, let's say, at least not in a way you didn't like at all. "The time is almost up, so.. would you have the courtesy to move your hand from my bare butt~?" you scolded him when his hand reached in your panties from behind. The male just responded by finding your weak spot instantly on your neck, earning a loud moan from you. "Bull's Eye." he grinned against your skin, making you shiver in delight. God, he seemed to knew where he had to touch you. "Times up love-birds~" Dazai sang and opened the door, in his other hand a camera to capture a good moment. Too bad for him, you both straightened your clothes and sat across each other, as if nothing had happened. "Oh.. I knew Chuuya hadn't the balls to do something~" Dazai grinned, but his face fell when he noticed something red on your neck. "Is that a hickey?" he asked. You covered your neck with your hand and blushed. Chuuya merely grinned and laid his arm around your shoulder. "Yeah and that means she is MINE now. So if you ever try something again, I have to kill you~"
I guess I have don't to say that you continued your actions from the closet later in the bedroom and your body was full of hickeys after that.

 Bungou Stray Dogs - Seven Minutes in HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now