Doppo Kunikida

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"Pretty please, Kunikida-kun." you begged, hands folded. "No" his answer was still the same. "Don't be like that. Why can't we forget the work for just one day and throw a party?" you asked with a sulking face. It was Kunikida's birthday, but this work-a-holic attitude would rather overwork this day instead of celebrating. "Because we have plenty of work to do [Y/n]. We can't allow our Agency to suddenly have a party." Kunikida sighed and went back to his work. You were stubborn, so you took his file and threw it out of the window. "What is your problem?" Kunikida yelled. "YOU ARE MY PROBLEM!"
"My, my, [Y/n]-chan. If you continue that yelling of yours, you'll wake up Ranpo-san." Dazai chuckled and laid his arm around your shoulders. Kunikida instantly got angrier and turned around as to not see you that familiar with his 'beloved' partner. "Aww don't be jealous Kunikida-kun. I can hug you too if you want~" Dazai sang and tried to hug Kunikida. He got punched in his face instead before Kunikida mumbled under his breath and left the Agency to go home. He had enough from this day.
When he entered the Agency the next day, he got surprised by his friends jumping from behind their desks and singing Happy birthday. Though he was flattered, he tried to scold you for not obeying his objections before. "Don't be mad with [Y/n]-chan. It was my idea." Dazai grinned and shoved a cake to his face. Kunikida sighed but shook his head. Why he had to deal with those idiots, he never knew.
Later after everyone was a bit drunk, Dazai suggested to play 'Seven Minutes in Heaven'. Everyone was up to play, except one person. "I won't play." Kunikida sighed, trying to get at least some work done today. You snatched the file from his hands and smirked. "You play and you're the first to go." you said, making Kunikida sigh. "But Yosano and Naomi aren't here today. And I don't want to be in there with a male." he sighed. You pouted, turning away from him. "I am a female aren't I? Should I think you don't want to pick me?" you asked. Kunikida panicked. "N..No that was not what I meant.. Actually.." he began and fought the rising heat on his cheeks. "Then it's settled. Kunikida-kun and [Y/n]-chan play the first round." Ranpo snickered, pushing both of you into the closet with Dazai's help.
It was pretty dark and you tried to feel around where you could sit properly. "Just.. great." you heard Kunikida complain. "Sorry about this Kunikida-kun. I just wanted to give you a happy day, since you work so much." you sighed, sitting across from him. "I don't need a happy day, I need more professional help for the Agency. After all, Dazai and you are the reason I am that stressed everyday." Kunikida spoke, though it was not his serious voice. "I am sorry.." you whispered, feeling guilty. He sensed your sad voice and got a bit closer. "I didn't mean it in a bad way. Okay, in Dazai's case I meant it negatively. But don't think I meant you." he corrected himself. You looked up. Even in the darkness, you could see his blushing face and the fogged glasses. He seemed nervous being so close to you.
"Kunikida-kun..?" you asked. The male sighed and pulled back, before something bad happened. "I am sorry. It's.. just.. This is a perfect situation to be honest with my feelings and yet.. I talk about work and how stressed you make me. Guess I am not too good with words either." he said. "Then.. show it through actions instead of words?" you suggested with a smile. Kunikida looked at you.
After a moment of hesitation he bent forward to give you a quick kiss. You blinked when he pulled back after a second. "If you are going to kiss me, do it properly." you chuckled, pulling him back by his tie and smashed your lips against his. Kunikida was bright red, yet he kissed you back. His arms snaked around your back in a cautious manner as if he were scared to break you with his strength. Your tongue licked his lips, silently asking for entrance. Kunikida opened his mouth to let your tongue explore his wet cavern. You poked his tongue with yours to engage it in a battle for dominance. Kunikida managed to win after a while and made you moan in no time.
The moan that escaped your lips was louder than you intended, so it didn't surprise you to hear whistle sounds from outside the door. "Idiots." Kunikida hissed. "Ignore them and kiss me more~" you purred against his lips. Kunikida sat you in his lap and kissed you again. This time he was more demanding and secure, sucking at your lower lip and massaging your hips.
You spent the whole time making out until the door opened. "Geez, open your present in your room Kunikida." Dazai said with a sly smile and pointed at you. You blinked and looked to your top. Kunikida's hand was about to open the first button. His blush reached from one ear to another now and he pulled his hand back. "I.. I'm sorry. That was out of impulse.." he whispered embarrassed. You chuckled and kissed his nose. "It's okay. Since you return my feelings now, my present for you is what I wanted to give you since I met you." you smiled. Kunikida blinked, surprise. "My virginity."
"Oi [Y/n]-chan is the first person after me that is able to make Kunikida-kun faint." Dazai cheered when you tried to wake your crush..

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