Kenji Miyazawa

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When Kunikida arrived at the Agency in the morning and opened the door, he dropped his bag in shock. Paper streamers everywhere, balloons, even a cotton candy machine stood on the floor and he heard country music that played throughout the whole building. "What the actual f... is going on here?" he asked when he entered the office to find everyone laughing and chatting with each other.

Kenji smiled and waved. "Good morning, Kunikida-san! You forgot my birthday? Aww that's okay I know you have much to do! Take a break and celebrate with us!" the blonde male happily shouted before he turned back to you and Atsushi. "That's so cool [Y/n]-chan! Thank you for this present!" Kenji hugged you tight and then looked at the giant bottle of your self-mixed Mitsuya cider drink. He totally loved your mix-tastes so you decided to invent a brand new taste for this cute guy.

"You're welcome, Kenji-kun." you smiled and looked at Atsushi who grinned at you. "What?" you asked. "Why don't you tell him, what you really feel? Wasn't that the present you wanted to make him?" he asked. You blushed 10 shades of red while Kenji gave you a confused look. "What are you two talking about?" he asked. Atsushi chuckled and shook his head. "Nothing. But I think [Y/n]-chan really likes you the most among us." he smirked. You punched his head and covered your red cheeks in embarrassment. Kenji smiled innocently and hugged you again. "That's so sweet! I like you too, [Y/n]-chan!" he said and turned to his other friends. "I like all of you guys" he sang. You sighed a bit, since you hoped he meant special feelings for you. But it seemed you were just one of his friends.

"Alright, time for a game!" Naomi exclaimed and shoved a bag before your face. "We have wrote the names of the males on a paper and you have to pick a paper for Seven Minutes in Heaven!" Naomi giggled. You smiled and reached into the bag. Hesitating, you picked a paper and gave it Naomi. "Aww Kenji! That's a cute couple for the game! Now now, into the closet you sweeties!" she smirked and pushed both of you into the closet.

Kenji blinked and turned to you. "I never played this before.. what are we supposed to do?" he asked. His innocence made your heart melt and you chuckled. "Well, at first we don't have to do anything if we don't want. But.. if we are going to play.. we have to.. uh.. make out. Like .. kiss.." you explained, suddenly felt nervous and heat rose to your cheeks. Kenji blinked and tilted his head. "A game where he have to kiss?" he asked, clearly uncomfortable. Your heart clenched at his tone and you sighed. "Yeah.. but.. as I said we don't have to Kenji-kun. So don't worry, I won't do anything."

"Good." Kenji smiled and came closer to you. You froze when you felt his breath against your lips. "Because I don't want to force a kiss with a game. I want to kiss [Y/n]-chan because I love her." he told you, dead serious. "W..What?" you asked, mouth agape. Kenji smiled and hugged you. "I love you. Can I kiss you..? Not because it's the game, just because.. I want to?" he asked. You were about to cry for joy at this pure boy's words. He loved you. He loved you as much as you loved him.

You smiled and hugged him back. "Yes, I want Kenji-kun to kiss me because I love him too." you said and closed this last gap of distance with your lips. Kenji closed his eyes and let the kiss dominate from you. It was as if it was his first kiss, though he was young. Of course it was his first kiss. You put your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. The kiss was sweet, innocent and full of love.

When you pulled away, Kenji couldn't stop giggling. "Hey, what's so funny?" you asked and pouted. "Nothing. I am so happy right now, I can't stop!" Kenji chuckled and laid his head on your shoulder. You smiled and stroked his back. "You are so cute Kenji-kun." you said and remained the rest of the time cuddling and with little pecks on the lips.

After your time was up, Ranpo opened the door. He blinked, because you both fell asleep, leaning against each other and holding hands. "Awwwwwww" Naomi chirped before Tanizaki covered her mouth. "Quiet. Don't wake them." he said and smiled. "Someone get a phone to take a cute photo!"

~ And so your relationship with Kenji started.

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