Atsushi Nakajima

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It was your birthday and your friends from the Armed Detective Agency threw a big party for you in the office. Every case was ignored and you were around your closest friends, chatting and laughing. Dazai seemed drunk though, but he was funny as always. He danced, with Kunikida's boxer shorts on his head, on the table, singing silly songs. Kunikida didn't stop him because he was pretty wasted himself.
You were left alone with Atsushi and Kyouka, who seemed pretty close. It kinda hurt you to see him like that. Dazai often joked about Atsushi and Kyouka being a cute married couple. Though Atsushi never made any move on her. "That sounds fun, don't you agree [Y/n]-chan?" Atsushi suddenly asked you, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Huh?" you asked, having heard nothing from the conversation before. "Kyouka-chan heard about this seven minutes in heaven game. I thought while everyone but us is drunk, it would quite fun to pair them up." Atsushi smiled.
Kyouka stared at you while you tried to avoid rolling your eyes in annoyance. Of course Kyouka suggest a game where she has the chance to kiss Atsushi. Well, your life was clearly fucked right? "If you say so." you sighed, turning back in frustration. Atsushi's shoulders sank and he felt kinda guilty for your sour mood. "I am sorry. I guess you don't want to end up with a loser like me." he smiled sadly. "That's not-"
„Oh, did I hear Seven Minutes in Heaven! Oh I want to get my cute [Y/n]-chan" Dazai chirped, cuddled against you with a smile. You pushed him away and sighed. He always was like this when he was drunk. If only Atsushi would be like this for once..~ Atsushi cracked you a sad smile. He always got kind of sad when he saw Dazai's familiarity with you. "Alright, let's test another way for the game. Here, cover your eyes with that." Dazai grinned and took one of his bandages to wrap it around your eyes. He pushed you gently in the closet and you sighed.
There was a short silence before another person was thrown into the closet. "Can I take the bandages off now?" you asked, confused. It was pitch black and you got a bit anxious. "Let me help you.." This voice silenced you in an instant. Atsushi.
He gently wrapped his tender fingers around your face, to loosen the bandages. Your eyes were used to the darkness because of the bandages and you saw Atsushi's cute face close to your own. "T..Thank you." you mumbled. Atsushi shot you one of his cutest smiles before he scratched the back of his head. "You're welcome.." he mumbled.
An awkward silence fell upon you two and it took minutes, before Atsushi silently cleared his throat. "[Y/n]-chan? Can I ask you a favor?" he asked. "Depends on what the favor is.." you responded. "Can I.. kiss you?" His question made you blush. Where did that came from all of the sudden. "..Are you sure you want to kiss ME?" you asked, your voice slightly shaking. Atsushi didn't respond at first, instead he came closer and rested his chin on your shoulder. "Yes.. I.. want to at least taste you for once if I am not able to get your love, [Y/n]-chan." His words made your heart flutter, but it kinda frustrated you that he said that. "What are you saying? I don't love anyone else but you." you hissed back.
"I am sorry, I thought Dazai-san and you.. Wait a minute.. You love me?" Atsushi asked, clearly in shock. You smiled at him and raised his head with your hands. "Yes, I love you Atsushi-kun. I always had and always will." you spoke, closing the distance between your lips and kissed him. Atsushi was in shock but his body acted on its own when he pulled you into a hug, kissing you back, carefully. It was his first kiss ever, as well as yours and you both melted in no time into each others lips. „[Y/n]-chan.." he whispered against your lips when you finally pulled back. You pressed your forehead against his and smiled. Never, in the entire time you knew him, would you have guessed that he liked you back. "I am sorry, I am not a good kisser." he apologized in his cute voice. You chuckled and hugged him tightly. "Me neither, but.. I liked it. Your lips are soft and taste like tea and rice." you laughed, making him blush. "T..Thank you.. you taste pretty good as well.." he said nervously, his hands still shaking from the situation. He was just too cute. "We have a bit time left.." you told him and slammed your lips against his again for a second kiss. This time Atsushi kissed back immediately and pulled you into his lap. The man tiger purred lowly into the kiss and his hands roamed your sides up and down. He was so gentle and thoughtful.
When the door opened, you both were a blushing mess. You still sat in Atsushi's lap and the poor boy was red from one ear to another, helplessly holding onto you -- he didn't know what else to do. "C..Could you stop staring at us like this?" he asked while you buried your head deep in his neck. Dazai grinned before he hugged both of you. "You are the cutest couple ever! Hey, need good advice your for your first time?" he asked, making the poor boy faint. "I guess that means no.. :( " Dazai whined and got knocked out by Kunikida..

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