Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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Fyodor's eyes were glued on the monitor. He was typing for ages and didn't even blink once. His organization was invited by the Guild to celebrate a partial victory against the Agency and Port Mafia (at least they thought they had a partial victory) but instead of enjoying the party, Fyodor worked and ignored everyone.
Fitzgerald sighed and nudged your arm. "What's with this guy?" he asked. You chuckled and shook your head. "Don't take his behavior personally. He is.. not a social person at all. But I'll try to end his work for a while." you said and walked up to him with some sweets. Fyodor didn't seem to notice you at first or maybe he didn't care. "Fyodor?" you asked and hid the sweets behind your back. The male adjusted his strange winter hat and turned to you. "Yes? You need something, [Y/n]?" he asked in his monotone voice. He looked tired. You have him a light slap on his back and shoved the sweets in his face. "Don't overwork yourself just because you don't want to talk to anyone here. Take a break Fyodor. Or I'll destroy your laptop to have you stop. You know I'll do it." you smirked and made fists.
Fyodor looked at you and turned fully around. "Alright. A break can't be bad I guess.." he mumbled and took one of the sweets to slowly chew them. You smiled and sat beside him. "Show me your thumbs. Have you bitten them bloody again?" you asked and examined his thumbs. "No." he lied and hid his hands in his pockets. You sighed and shook your head. Being the closest friend of Fyodor meant to deal with him all the time. Not that you minded. You loved this man with all his flaws and stuff. But sometimes you wanted to slap him.
"Guys, I have an idea!" Twain smirked and shot a glance in your direction. You sighed more because this guy tried to hit on you all the time ever since he met you for the first time. "Let's play a game from our country.. Seven Minutes in heaven!" he suggested and laid his arm around you. "How about this lovely woman and I go first?" he smirked. However his face fell, when he sensed a deadly aura from behind him. Fyodor stood up and pushed you apart from Twain. "[Y/n] won't go into a closet with a jerk like you. If you're forcing us to play.. we make our own rules." Fyodor said, his gaze tired as usual. "Such as?" Mitchell asked and raised a brow.
You squealed in surprise when Fyodor took your hand and walked over to the closet. "Rule 1, [Y/n] and I are paired up. Rule 2, we have 15 minutes instead of 7. And Rule 3, whoever opens this door before I allow it, will punished for his sins." he spoke coldly and threw you into the closet. Wow, that was unexpected. Everyone was dead silent and looked at each other. Twain grinned and crossed his arms. "She is going to thank me after this." he said. "Oh? You planned to make Fyodor jealous?" Fitzgerald laughed and continued to chat with Agatha.
Inside the closet, it was pitchblack and you couldn't see anything. You only knew that Fyodor was close because he still held your hand. "What the hell Fyodor? Why did you act so strange?" you asked, puzzled. Fyodor was silent and sat down, dragging you with him. "Can't you just shut up? Even for 15 minutes of peace?" he asked. You sighed and your heart clenched a bit at this. So he wanted 15 minutes to have a bit of silence for a bit. "Alright." you gave in and crossed your arms.
After 5 minutes of silence, Fyodor adjusted himself. "Do you like Mark Twain?" ... Wow, that question hit you off guard. "Excuse me?" you raised your brow and looked at him. Though it was dark, your eyes adjusted at the darkness a bit and you made out his cold piercing gaze. "So, you do?" he asked. "No, of course not. He is a pest." you sighed in disgust. Fyodor smiled a bit and leaned back. "That's good then." he spoke in relief.
You've had enough. "DAMN IT IF YOU DON'T KISS ME ALREADY I'LL DO IT!" you yelled at him and pulled him to you into a forceful kiss. Fyodor didn't respond, of course he was slightly shocked. When you pulled away, you smirked a bit. "That was lame, Fyodor. You can't even kiss properly." you sighed and leaned back. Fyodor blinked before he grabbed your shoulders and pushed you down. He hovered over you and his gaze made you shiver. "Dare to say that again, little sinner?" he asked and leaned down slowly. You chuckled and put your arms around his back. "You kiss like a little pussy Fyo-" he cut you off by biting your lip so hard, he drew blood. You yelped in pain and bit him back.
Fyodor was shocked at first and held his bleeding lip before he grinned and leaned forward again. Your bleeding lips collided, the metallic taste of your blood mixed while he kissed you senseless to make you forget the pain ever existed at all. When he pulled back, he turned back to his monotone demeanor. "Do I still kiss like a pussy?" he asked. You chuckled and cupped his cheek. "Maybe? You have to try again~" you said and pulled him closer for a third kiss. This time the kiss was soft and loving, completely different from before. He hugged you tightly and showered your face with butterfly kisses as he put his feelings in his actions.
"Times u—Oh-oh, I forgot you were the one to stop the timer, haha." Poe laughed nervously and shut the door again before Fyodor was about to 'cleanse this poor soul's sin'. You chuckled more and looked at Fyodor. "Didn't we sin too with kissing?" you asked. Fyodor blinked and you realized the meaning of your words. "Time for punishment then."
RIP? Or more likely sore limbs at the end of his punishment~

 Bungou Stray Dogs - Seven Minutes in HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now