Yukichi Fukuzawa

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You never knew why Yukichi accepted you in his Agency. You were no fighter and your Ability wasn't even useful. Only Ranpo and Yukichi himself knew about your 'useless' Ability to turn into a cat for 30 minutes. Of course you knew, Yukichi loved cats. But was that the reason he kept you close as his secretary?
Today was Kyouka's official welcome party as newest member of the Agency. Of course as she was a girl her age everything was decorated with balloons, Hello Kitty (Yukichi's wish) and other stuff for teenagers. Ranpo even forced everyone for a game 'Seven Minutes in Heaven'.
"I don't want to play." Yukichi sighed, hiding his arms in the sleeves of his yukata as he was about to leave. "Aww come on director! You have to. Everyone took an item from the bag. Ah here, I'll take that." Ranpo grinned, snatching a toy mouse for cats from his sleeve. "Give that back!" Yukichi hissed, but it was too late. Ranpo took the bag to you girls and shove it to your face. "It's your turn [Y/n]-chan~ I hope you get me. Shush, little hint: glasses." Ranpo grinned. You sighed and shrugged. "Alright when I feel glasses, I won't pull them out." you mumbled, making Ranpo's face drop. "Meanie." he whined.
You took a while before you got hold of something. You pulled it out and it was a toy mouse. "Aww, you got the director." Ranpo smirked. "I already told you that I won't play." Yukichi yelled from his office. "Oh well, since his body would be too big for the closet, we can change it to 'play seven minutes in the director's office'" Dazai sang and pulled you to the office. After he threw you into the door, he took a stool and barricaded the door to prevent your escape. You blinked and looked at Yukichi who looked kind of troubled. "Idiots. We are a serious Agency." the older male sighed heavily and took a sip of his precious tea.
There was moment of silence before you smiled and approached him. "Well, to make it easier for you to spend the time with me.. Ability Activate.. 'Feline Transformation'" you spoke, turning slowly into a cat. Yukichi's cheeks became slightly red because every time you transformed, your clothes fell to the ground due to your shrinking form and you were a naked woman for a few seconds before you fully turned into a cute cat with white fur. You jumped to his lap and purred, while he was totally lost in his thoughts. He merely sighed and stroked your back. You loved this sensation and closed your eyes. "You didn't have to do this, [Y/n]-chan." he murmured, stroking behind your ears. Though you weren't able to speak in that form, he already knew you wanted to say that you didn't mind. His features became softer and he stood up, taking you in his arms. Your cat eyes widened in confusion as to what he was doing.
Yukichi stood at the door, holding you down and your tail under the door crack. "Dazai." he said in a deep voice. "Your time is not up yet~" Dazai sang. "Not that, idiot. Touch her tail." he ordered. Dazai blinked before he shrugged and touched your smooth tail. Thanks to his Ability, you transformed back. Though you were naked now -- until Yukichi laid his Haori that he wore over his yukata over your shoulders. "Why did you do that..?" you asked him slightly embarrassed of your naked status. ".. Because I didn't want to wait 30 minutes to do this." he spoke and pulled you in for a soft kiss. His lips were cold, despite his habit of drinking tea, but that didn't change the fact that he was gentle. You kissed back without hesitating and put your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
"You are too cute, you know that?" he asked, licking your lips and sucking on your lower lip. You mewled in delight at his actions. Who would have guessed the director could be such a loving man? Well, you of course. "Do you mind if I say something inappropriate as someone like your secretary..?" you asked, making him curious. "... I love you."
His eyes went a bit wide before his features softened again and he pulled you back to a second kiss. "I love you too, [Y/n]. But better get dressed before-"
"TIME'S UUUP!" Ranpo yelled and pushed the door open. However his face fell when he saw you half naked. "Oh my god! The director was about to rape [Y/n]-chan!! With all due respect, I never thought you had it in you!" the black haired male grinned. "GET. LOST. AND CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR." Yukichi growled. "Oh right, you weren't finished yet~" Dazai added. "YOU'RE FIRED IF YOU DON'T LEAVE US ALONE!"
"Oh noooes the time the director gets laid after decades will make us all unemployed!" Dazai whined and avoided a flying Katana.
Oh, well.

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