Edgar Allan Poe

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Poe sat on his desk and thought about a plot for his new novel. He tried to massage his sore shoulder with his other hand, but his tensed muscles only teared and made him wince in short pain. You made him some coffee during a meeting of the guild. You were Fitzgerald's personal maid, but you always hoped to see Poe during meetings and stuff. He was polite, shot you always a shy smile and you loved his writings. "Take a break, Edgar. Mister Fitzgerald is worried about your health. And.. me too." you said and smiled. Poe rubbed his temples, he was exhausted but determined to got a least 3 chapters done today.
"Thank you [Y/n]. You're always so kind and sweet." Poe mumbled and wanted to grab the cup. In the process he touched your warm hand. You shuddered because his hand felt cold. Poe gave you an apologetic smile and his hand remained on yours for a few more seconds. It felt so comfortable to touch him, his hands were calloused but somehow smooth and gentle. You wished he would touch your entire body like this.. wait, what? No, stop thinking naughty [Y/n]!
"Here you are. Edgar, stop working. We are going to celebrate Francis' plans being successful. [Y/n], you are allowed to celebrate too. No work more for today." Alcott smiled when she opened the door and bowed to both of you. Poe and you moved apart from each other and turned your blushed faces away. Alcott blinked and tilted her head in confusion.
~Later during the party, everyone was slightly drunk except Poe and you~
Twain giggled while he told stories from his past, how the Mighty Twain got every girl he wanted. He even got to this part, where only the girls from his event are missing from his 'Bang list'. He looked at you and smirked. "Ne, [Y/n], how about I start with you?" he asked and breathed in your ear. You pushed him away and looked at your master for help. Fitzgerald chuckled. "Calm down Mark. Let's play Seven minutes in heaven. And whoever gets a nice girl, feel free to do anything~ but, clean-up afterwards." he grinned. Even Fitzgerald was really drunk..
You sighed and blinked in surprise when someone shoved a bag before you. "You go first, since you are cutest of the girls~" Twain smirked. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Lucy pouted and crossed her arms. You smiled and grabbed into the bag, searching around for a item. There was only one person you wanted to get. You pulled out when you felt something soft tickling your fingers. It was a feather. But not a normal feather, it was a nib Poe used when he wrote his novels! Poes cheeks were covered with a nice rosy blush and he cleared his throat when he stood up. Everyone in the guild knew about his crush on you. At least everyone but you. "Alright, let's go before Twain rapes you.." he mumbled and escorted you gently to the closet. "Actually it's not rape when she'll like it!" Twain called after you, making you both sigh in frustration. He was such an idiot.
Fitzgerald closed the door and set his clock. „Seven minutes guys. And don't exhaust my maid, Edgar. I need her to clean the whole mess the others made afterwards." he called, followed by a collective 'OI?' from the other members. You chuckled and shook your head. "They're all wasted. I bet they would be embarrassed to death, when they would remember tomorrow." you said. Poe smiled and remained silent, when he placed his hand back on the same shoulder as before. "Edgar? Are you hurt?" you asked, worry clear in your voice. "It's alright, don't worry. Just an old sprain that I get when I work too much and lack sleep." he chuckled as it were nothing. "Edgar." you said in a warning tone. "That's not healthy. You need your sleep. Let me massage your shoulders." you ordered him, it was not just an suggestion.
Poe sighed and scratched the back of his head. "I do not have much of a choice now, do I?" he chuckled and turned around, sitting before you. You put your palm on his head, smacking that stubborn pretty head of him as punishment before you massaged his tense shoulders. Poe let out soft moans of delight when he felt his muscles slowly relax under your touches. "That feels so good~" he purred in a low tone, that made a shiver run down your spine. Does he always sounded that sexy? You gulped and continued to massage him, enjoying the nice sounds he made. You blushed a nice shade of red, when you heard wolf whistles from outside since his moaning could be easily mistaken for some other actions..
"Ignore them. They're like kids right now." Poe said, but you could make out from his weak voice that he was embarrassed too. "Yeah.. they're too drunk.." you said and finished his massage until Poe felt completely relaxed. He turned around and smiled. "Thank you so much. I never felt that refreshed in my entire life." he spoke. Before you could react, he had captured your lips in a soft kiss. Your eyes widen and you couldn't even respond because the kiss ended before it even started.
Poe let out a frustrated sigh. "S..Sorry, I don't know what got me there.. I didn't wanted to make you uneasy, [Y/n]. It was too hard to resist your cuteness after all the kindness you gave me." he admitted, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. You blinked and giggled, loving this big cinnamon roll. He was too cute for his own good. "It's okay Edgar. I like you too. But you should practice kissing. That was way too short." you teased him. "Wha-" you cut him off by smashing your lips on his, making him stumble back and hit the door of the closet. "Wohoo, go for it Edgar!" Fitzgerald and Twain shouted from outside, mistaking the loud thud for something else again.
You both didn't pay any attention to the drunken idiots outside when you melted in each others lips and hug, feeling like one. Poe rubbed circles around your hips, releasing a soft gasp when he felt your tongue licking his bottom lip. He granted you access and you deepened the kiss. "The time is up. I hope they're not naked when we open the door." Steinbeck chuckled and a moment later light flooded the closet.
Poe and you fell outside since he leaned against the wall. Everyone blinked when they saw you laying on him, still lip locked. It seemed you didn't let your make out get disturbed by this. "Awwwwwwww. They're soooo cute." Lucy squealed and hugged the next person she could reach which happened to be Lovecraft. Lovecraft blinked in boredom and sighed. Poe and you noticed the stares and pulled away from the kiss. "Maybe you should continue in a separate room." Fitzgerald smirked, leaving Poe and you totally flustered.
Maybe that was not a bad idea, though..
On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 1:27 AM, Michaela Riemann <> wrote:

 Bungou Stray Dogs - Seven Minutes in HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now