Ryunosuke Akutagawa

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Even the Port Mafia throws away their work every now and then to celebrate. Especially when Elise has a birthday. Ougai totally was obsessed with the little girl, so it wasn't a wonder how big the party was, that he organized (more likely he ordered Chuuya to organize..).
Balloons, sweets, music for children and many, many stuffed presents made it hard to believe that this was actually a Mafia organization. Ougai smiled a fatherly smile when he gave Elise his present – an expensive red dress.
You looked around through your comrades who tried to enjoy themselves. Tachihara tried to escape, but Higuchi pulled him back. Your gaze fell on a distant figure standing far away from all the others. His black coat and a slight coughing didn't made it hard to guess who it was.
Akutagawa always fascinated you. His cold demeanor didn't frighten you at all, it was more that you wanted to heal his broken heart. When you approached him, his cold eyes pierced through your soul. It didn't stop you from walking to him though. Akutagawa watched your form, he didn't show any signs of stopping you. He merely was silent. "Won't you come closer to us? We don't bite you know." you smiled at him, reaching out your hand. The silent dog looked at your hand before he turned away and covered his mouth to cough.
"Maybe I am the one that bites." he spoke without any emotion. You sighed and shook your head. "My offer still stands. Feel free to join us soon. It doesn't feel right without you, senpai." you told him and walked back to the others. Akutagawa looked at you as you left and sighed deeply. Why did you confuse him this way?
Later, after the most members were visibly drunk (especially Chuuya who was singing a hate song for Dazai on a table), Akutagawa's brow narrowed in annoyance when he saw Tachihara pulling you against him and trying to hit on you. "You're quite cute [Y/n].. Wouldn't you like to have some fun?" the black lizard commander grinned. He was drunk too.. You sighed and tried to escape his grip, but he was way stronger. "Leave me alone." you hissed at him, but he seemed to ignore you and tried to kiss you.
In this moment a deadly aura emitted from behind you and a black energy laid itself around your form, pushing you away from the man. Rashomon growled and was about to devour Tachihara, but Ougai stepped in. "Behave yourself Akutagawa. Don't use Rashomon against us. And Tachihara, leave [Y/n]-chan alone. She is Akutagawa's property." the boss said, making you blush. He was your senpai but Ougai's words made it sound like he was your lover.
"I want to play seven minutes in heaven~" Elise suddenly shouted. "Aww alright Elise. You decide who starts." Ougai grinned, stood beside her and was clearly more collected. "[Y/n]-onee-chan!" the girl chirped and pointed at you.
You sighed but blinked in surprise when Akutagawa took your hand and headed for the closet. "Hey, this game has rules you know." Elise said, sulking. Akutagawa shot her a glance. "As if I would let her choose an idiot.. she comes with me. Be happy that I'm participating in this stupid game." he mumbled and entered the closet with you.
Even when you were alone with him, he didn't let go of you. "Akutagawa-senpai..?" you asked after a while. He was still holding your hand. The black haired male was as confusing as ever. Why the heck did he take you for this game? Maybe he didn't allow others to touch his property.. "L..Listen Akutagawa-senpai, we don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with." you explained.
It was too dark to see anything and his black clothes and black hair made him almost invisible. Only his hand, holding yours, made you sure he was still here. Then you felt something warm on your lips. He was kissing you.. that was unexpected. You kissed him back when he let go of your hand to hold your hips. Your arms flung around his neck and you tried to deepen the kiss. When he felt your tongue, he pulled away, clearly startled. "Oh.. I am sorry." you whispered and sighed. Akutagawa still said nothing. "I don't mind." he simply stated and kissed you again.
This time he was aggressive and pressed you against the wall. His ministrations left you breathless and Akutagawa tried his best not to be too rough. He massaged your hips and bit your lower lip. You gasped in short pain when he drew blood. Akutagawa licked the blood away and invaded your mouth. After a while he pulled back again and buried his face in your hair. "From now on, you don't leave my side for even a single moment. Understood?" he mumbled. It was an order from your senpai, but you knew it was his way of saying that he loves you. Somehow at least.. "Understood senpai. I want to stay with you forever." you told him. "Good." he said and pulled you up for a third kiss.
Ougai opened the door and everyone stared at you and Akutagawa making out. "What the fucking hell?!" Chuuya shouted, jumping of the table and his drunken state disappeared slowly. "Good job you two. I've never seen anything as effective as this to turn Chuuya sober in such a fine way." Hirotsu snickered. Akutagawa growled and took your hand to walk away from these idiots. Of course to continue what you started~

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