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Luke : age 17

I nervously walked down the hallway, and passed a group of my team mates.

"Hey, sexy." One of them said, and grabbed my arm, pulling me into his chest as he grabbed my butt. I shook my head quickly, and tried pushing myself off of him, but he was too strong.

"That's funny. Last time I checked, he's my boyfriend." I heard Michael's voice say. The guy let go of me, and I ran over, hugging Michael's side.

Michaels a senior, and a lot of people were scared of him. His all black attire, and tattoos and piercings were pretty intimidating.

Michael flipped the guy off before walking away with Luke.

"Thank you." Luke whispered softly


Luke walked into the living room wearing one of Michael's big shirts, and socks that came up to his knees. He sat a cup of hot chocolate down in front of Michael, and held his steady as he snuggled into Michael's side. He reopened his book, and read as Michael scrolled through his phone.

"I love you." Michael whispered, kissing Luke's head.

"I love you more." Luke said, and smiled, continuing to read. He felt Michael's hand run through his hair slowly, causing a new sense of relaxation to overcome him.

He closed his book, and listened to the soft thunder outside as he drank his hot chocolate.

Luke sat his cup down, and laid down against Michael, letting him continue to run his hand through his hair.

Luke eventually drifted off to sleep, and Michael pulled a blanket over him.

It started storming harder outside and Michael knew Luke would eventually wake up.

Michael leaned down, and pressed a short kiss to Luke's forehead, before picking him up bridal style, and began walking to their room.

He walked carefully so he wouldn't hit Luke's head on anything. He safely got to his room, and laid Luke on the bed gently.

He watched as Luke stirred around, reaching out for something. He pulled one of the pillows over, hugging it to his chest.

Michael smiled, and pushed Luke's hair back, kissing his forehead one more time. He couldn't believe that he was able to kiss Luke whenever he wanted, and he was able to call Luke his. It was like a dream come true.

He walked downstairs just as soon as his mom was coming in from her late shift.

"Hey mom? Can I tell you something?" Michael asked, and sat down in the kitchen as she put away a few things.

"Sure." She said, and sat beside him.

"Um, Luke is my boyfriend. We've been together for about a week now, and I never really got the chance to sit down and talk to you about it." Michael said, and looked over at her.

"You've been together a week? I could've sworn you guys were together since he was 14..." She said, shocked to know they've only been dating for a week.

"Uh. Nope." Michael laughed, and his mom shrugged.

"Where is he?" Karen asked.

She was answered by Luke entering the room, wiping the tiredness out of his eyes.

"Did the storm wake you?" I asked, and he nodded. I patted my lap, and he ran over to me, sitting down on my lap, tucking his head into my neck.

Karen placed a hand over her heart, loving how caring Michael was for Luke.

Michael rubbed Luke's back as he talked with his mom. The blonde boy slowly drifted back to sleep.

"Do you love him?" She asked, and Michael smiled.

"I love him so much. I've loved him for so long." Michael said quietly, admiring the sleeping beauty before him.

"You're good to him, Michael. And you know what he needs?" Karen asked.

"What?" Michael asked, looking up at her.

"He's been through so much, he needs you to love him unconditionally no matter what may happen, okay? He needs you. I noticed how sad he was when you guys didn't hang out as much."

"Im gonna love him." Michael whispered, realizing what a blessing Luke is.

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