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I uploaded the video and laid back on my bed. I sigh.

Then Jack walks in, "Man I could hear your sighing from my room."

"Funny." I glared at him, sitting up.

"Funny enough to come to Magcon with me?"

"Don't mess with me." I stood walking into my closet.

"I'm not." He said.

I grabbed an obey shirt. I took my current shirt off and slid the new one on.

"I know how this goes. I say yes, then you pull out your phone saying it was a joke."

"No phone. I promise Danny." He said.

I glared at him, "Sure."

He laughed, "Fine but Aaron was waiting for you."

I turned fast, "Aaron?"

He smiled. He knew I liked Aaron. I liked him a lot. And Jack liked to tease me about it.

Every time they came to visit he'd joke and give hints to Aaron that I liked him.

I mean, Sure I wanted Aaron to notice me more then just 'Glinsky's little sister' but I didn't want my brothers help doing it.

"So you in?"

"Yeah. I'm in." I smiled.

-two weeks later-

Jack pulled up to a hotel. It was a Hilton in Virginia.

No we hadn't driven from Nebraska to Virginia. We'd flown but got a rental car.

"Ready?" Jack asked. "All the guys are up there?"

I smiled, "I'm ready."

We got our bags and went into the lobby. We got our room key. Then rode the elevator to our floor. Jack unlocked the room and we stepped in.

I threw my stuff on a bed.

"Which room is his?"

"Across the hall." He laughed, rolling his eyes.

I ran out of the room. I stopped when I reached his door. I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans.

I opened the door. His song was playing.

Matthew, Aaron, Taylor, Jacob Sartorius and Blake Gray were all laughing and singing along.

"Hey guys." I said, smiling.

They all looked over.

Aaron stopped the song, "You're here? You're really here!"

I smiled, nodding. He came over ang hugged me. I squeezed him tight.

Even if he didn't like me back, we were still really close. We pulled away.

"It's junior Glinsky! Attaaaack!" Taylor yelled. Then tackled me into the bed. We laughed. He hovered over me. "How ya been?"

"Pretty good." I smiled.

He moved hair out of my face. And for a second I honestly thought he was gonna kiss me.

But he got off and helped me up.

I blushed. Matthew pulled me into a hug.

"We need to talk later." He whispered.

I nodded.

Blake and I fist bumped. Then Jacob and I did a little hand shake.

We laughed, not knowing what we were doing.

"So, I'm gonna go see the other guys." I said, walking to the door. "I'll see you later."

I walked out, then to the next room. Cameron, Nash, Hayes and Shawn were in there.

"Well hello." Shawn said.


They all stood, taking turns to give me hugs.

"Did you already see Taylor?" Nash asked, smirking.

"Yeah, why?"

"Was he goo goo eyes?"

"He attacked me on to the bed. And got really close. Kinda thought he was gonna kiss me." I said.

"He probably was going to but remembered Aaron was there."

"I'm confused."

"You'll see."

I frowned.

Nash smiled, a perfect white smile.

"Is Carter here?"

"He'll be here later." Shawn cut in.

I nodded, "Who else is here?"

"Kian, JC, and the Dolan twins are Across the hall, next to your room. Then Sammy, Dylan and Daniel are next door."

I nodded.

I walked out to my room.

"Hey where's Johnson?" I asked my brother.

"On his way up."

I smiled and nodded. Johnson was like my second brother. He was always over.

It kinda creeped me out sometimes.

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