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When I woke up, I was in my hotel bed. I stretched. 

"Hey, you're up." Nash said.

"Yeah, what happened?"

"Your brother, uber accident, then you fainted."

"Then why am I here."

"You fainted." He repeated. "JJ went, said to bring when you woke up."

"I'm up!"


We stood and got down to the lobby and got an uber.

Once we arrived, Nash grabbed my hand as we ducked away from the paparazzi. He pulled me through the crowd and we got inside. 

"Nash pulled me along as we went to his room."

I saw Aaron waiting outside his room. 

"Where's J?"

"Inside, hasn't left his side."

I pushed the door open. I saw my brother asleep on the bed. J looked up at me. 

"Hey, Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I hugged him.

He put his hand on my face, "I'm sorry today's been so rough."

"Thanks for staying with him." I said.

"Come sit." 

He sat on the couch, pulling me down on his lap. I laid my head on his chest as I curled up on his lap.

"The doctors say Matt and Sammy will be okay, they've both woken up. You're brothers taking a bit longer."

"I need to go see Sammy." I said.

I stood. I went across the hall and saw him watching tv. 

"Sammy." I said as I walked in. 

He looked over at me. 

"Hey lil G." He said. I sat next to him on the bed. 

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He said and moved a piece of hair out of my face. "What about you?"

"I'm okay." I smiled. 

"You look really tired."

"I'm just stressed."

He moved over and I laid next to him. 

"Jack will be okay. I know it."

He put his arm around me as I laid my head on his chest. 

"I really hope he is." 

"He will be." He kissed my forehead. 

I've know Sam since I was in about third grade.

"I know J told your brother about him liking you." 


"Did you tell him?"

"I couldn't." I shook my head. "I wanted to but he threatened to throw me home. And I'd never get to see J again." 

"I'm sorry." 

I closed my eyes, "Why did everything have to become so screwed up." 

"I don't know."


Later when I woke up, Sammy was still asleep. I looked at my phone and saw it was one in the morning. I stood from the bed and went over to Jack's room. He was still sleeping. I smiled at him then went to check on Matthew. I saw his tv was on and he was asleep. I stepped in and grabbed the remote. I turned the tv off and was about to walk away but someone grabbed my wrist. 

"Stay please." I heard Matt say. 

I turned and saw him looking at me. 

I nodded, "Okay." 

I sat on his bed, facing him. 

"Are Sam and Jack okay?"

"Sammy's fine. Jack still hasn't woken up."

"Is the uber driver okay?"

I shrugged. He nodded. 

"You need some rest." I said. 

He nodded. He laid back. I fixed the blanket over him and smiled at him. 

I sat on the couch, watching as he closed his eyes. Falling asleep minutes.


The next morning I was woken up by a nurse. 

"Ma'am." She said. 

"Hmm." I groaned. 

"Your friend is free to go home."

"Jack and Sammy too?"

"Sam, yes. Jack not yet. He's still asleep." 

I nodded. Matthew came out of the bathroom in real clothes. 

"Hey." He smiled. 

"I need to go see Sammy." I said. 

I stood and walked to Sammy's room.

"Danielle, where did you go?" 

"I was talking to Matt last night, fell asleep on the couch."

"Is J here yet?"

I put my hand on my forehead, "I don't know. But my brother isn't awake."

I started pacing, "What am I supposed to tell our parents?"

"I talked to them this morning."

"I'm just worried that he's not gonna wake up."

"Jack not waking up? That's impossible." 

"Sammy, you don't know that!"

"Danny, calm down."

I paced faster. He stopped me. 

"Breath. Please." 

"What happened before the accident happened."

"Jack was yelling, talking about J liking you. He was yelling right in the Uber drivers ear and he was trying to tell Jack to calm down. And then pulled out in front of another car." 

"This is my fault." I said. "I knew it was a bad idea." 

"How is this your fault?"

"I let JJ do it, I let him tell Jack he liked me. And Jack was angry. I knew he was angry." I started crying. 

"Please calm down Danielle."

"I can't calm down!" I said. I breathed heavy.

Sammy sat me down on the bed. 

"Jack is going to be alright."

"You can't promise that." I said through tears.

He pulled my close to him, I cried into his chest.

"You'll be okay."


looking back at this book, i see how boring it is

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