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I told the other guys I knew who I wanted. Nash got pretty upset because he'd made a the reservations for next week. I told him I'd still go but as friends.

Hunter and Brandon finally showed up too. They were pretty chill, but they could get annoying.

We were still in Paris. But right now we were at Magcon. I'd gotten to sign. And now I was controlling the music for musical chairs. This was one thing I didn't want to do.

So they put me in charge of the music. And I was pretty dang good at it. They invited some fans to come do it with them. I watched as a girl sat on Taylor's lap on accident.

Anger kinda rose. I mean I wasn't dating him but I still somewhat liked him. Taylor glanced over at me and smiled.

My face got hot. I grabbed Blake's arm and pulled him over.

"Take care of the music." I said.

I stepped off of the stage and cooled Down. I have no idea why I was this upset.

I stepped back on the stage, I let Blake control the music. Matthew had gotten out while I was away. He spotted me and came over, draping his arms over my shoulders.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"What's up? Why so quiet?"

"I don't feel good."

He smiled a toothless smile and kissed my forehead. Butterflies flapped in my stomach. He still gives me butterflies. Tell me if I'm wrong, but that's love.

"So today after all this." He motioned to the scene in front of us. "I think we should go to the Eiffel tower."

"Matthew you already won my heart."

"Yes, but this is the last day we'll be in Paris hun."

I smiled, "okay."

"Great. Dress natural." He said.

"Good. It'd take me forever to choose a dress."

"We're gonna do this date a little different." He said.

"Different is my usual."

He spun me around, "Then it'll be completely normal."

I chuckled, "Okay."

"I'll pick you, Lets say." He thought. "Ten."

"Ohh, late night date."


They finished Magcon and we'd left. I looked through my clothes. I grabbed an outfit and slipped it on.

I slipped on some vans and put in cross earings. Then I grabbed my black purse. There was a knock on the door. I ran over and opened it.

"Bye." I said to the Jack's as I stepped out with, who I thought was Matthew. But I turned and saw Taylor.

"Oh. I thought you were Matthew."

"Yeah...." He trailed.

"I'm sorry."

"Look I just wanted to give these to you." He said handing me tickets. "I thought our date went really good. So I figured I'd be the top five. But you've already chosen. So here."

I grabbed the tickets. They were Justin Bieber tickets.

"You got me JB tickets." I said, pain rising inside. "Taylor-"

"You've already chosen. Just go with Matt."

" And say what? Let's go to a JB concert with tickets from Taylor that were originally for our second date?"

"I don't know. They're yours."

He walked into his room, I stood still. I stared at the tickets in my hand. They were for Australia. Our last stop before the US again.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard Matthew ask. I was still frozen.

He took the tickets out my hand.

"JB concert in Australia, sweet. You get these."

"No." I grabbed them back. "Taylor did."

I walked to his room, threw the door open. He was going through his bag.

"Taylor." I said.

He turned, "Aren't you supposed to be at a date on the Eiffel Tower?"

"Supposed to? Yeah. Have to? Not yet."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that I came back to tell you. I'm bringing all the dates back. You're not the only one I upset by cancelling them."

He stood in front of me, "So am I one of the top five?"

"For sure."

We hugged, long and tight. Until someone cleared their throat.

Matthew, Shit. I forgot about him. I pulled away from Taylor.

"I'll see you later."

I walked over to Matthew. He put his arm around me.

"So the dates are back on?" He asked.


He smiled. And we walked down the hall.


couple things

1.are you guys teen wolf fans? 

2. i have a book ideas book out

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