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After J showed up we left, I ended up falling asleep in the backseat with Sammy. I'm not sure who carried me up to the room, but when I woke up J, Sammy, Matt and Cam were there.

I sat up.

"Hey." J said and sat down. I rubbed my forehead. 

"I need water."

Sammy opened a water bottle and handed it to me, "Want ibuprofen?"

"Please." I took a swing off the water as he got me two tablets. I popped them in my mouth and drank more water. 

"Are you okay?" J asked, moving my hair out of my face. 

"I just. I don't know." 

He scooted closer and went to kiss me, "Not right now Jack."

I looked at Cam, "What if he doesn't wake up by the time we need to leave?"

"Your mom said she'd fly over and stay until he woke up."

"No, I'll stay. My mom doesn't need to take away from her new job for this."

"But you need to move on with us." J said.

"My brother is more important."

"It's okay." Sammy said.

I nodded, "I need to talk to my mom."

J handed me my phone and I stood up. I stepped into the hall and called her. 

"Danielle, my sweet girl, Are you okay?" She asked. 

"I'm fine mom. I'm sorry I called so later. But look if Jack doesn't wake up before the time we move on. I'll stay. You don't have to fly over."

"Danielle, Your dad and I already agreed to come over. You need to go."

"Jack is my best friend mom, I can't leave him."

 "Okay, but we're still gonna fly over."

"Okay." I sighed.

"Is Sammy near?"

"Yeah, just inside the room."

"Can I talk to him."


"I love you sweet girl. You get some rest."

"Love you too mom."

I stepped into the room and handed the phone to Sammy. 

"I need to go talk to Bart." Cam stated and walked out as Sammy stepped into the hall.

"I'm sorry Danielle." J said. 

"I just feel like I knew Jack was mad. And I let him walk away. I let him go."

"I'm the one who told him the news."

"I'm the one who let you when I knew it was a bad idea."

Jack put his hand on my face, he kissed my forehead. 

"I'm here. For whatever you need."

I nodded. 

"I need to go talk to Bart." He said. 

I nodded. 

He walked out as Sammy walked back in.

"What did she wanna talk about?" I asked.

"Just about Jack and what happened."

"what'd you say?"

"If you're asking if I told her bout you and JJ, I didn't."

"Thanks Sammy." I said and hugged him. 

"You don't need to worry about anything okay? The guys and I have everything under control."

I nodded as he kissed the top of my head. 


tbh i forget about this book

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