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Jack got me a last minute ticket to Nebraska. And I was about halfway back home. My mom had no idea that I was coming back. The guys should be getting ready to go to the airport right about now. I pulled out my phone, I'd paid for internet on the flight. I went onto Instagram and took a picture of myself. 

I posted it after adding the caption; Flights back home 

People started liking and commenting right away.

I turned it off, and leaned my head against the window.


After thirteen hours on the stupid plane I arrived back in Nebraska. I got an uber and they drove me home. 

I stared at Aaron's contact the whole time. I wanted to text him, but he didn't deserve to know why I left. 

When the driver pulled up to my house I saw my mom's car. I climbed out and grabbed my bags. I walked up to the front door, opened it and stepped in. 

"Hey Honey!" I heard my mom yell, thinking I was my dad. 

I dropped all the bags and smiled as I walked into the kitchen where she was cooking. She faced away from me, I walked over and covered her eyes.

"Guess who." I said. 

"Danielle!" She yelled, turning around. 

I laughed as she hugged me, "What are you doing home?"

"I missed you and dad." I lied. 

"Well you're just in time for dinner." She said. "Sit and I'll get you a plate."

I sat in a stool and she set a plate in front of me, she sat next to me and we ate. 

I heard the front door open.

"Honey! Why are there bags in front of the door?" My dad asked. 

I stood and smiled at my mom. I walked out to the foyer.

"I'll get them out of the way after dinner dad. Come on."

"Okay, Danny." He said, slipping off his shoes. "Wait." 

He looked at me, "You're back! Is Jack too?"

I shook my head. I helped my dad around my bags and he hugged me. 

"I'm glad you're home."

"Me too."

We walked back into the kitchen and ate. Afterwards I brought all my bags to my room. I grabbed my camera and the tripod. 

I set it up, along with my lights and faced it all towards my bed. 

"Hey guys! It Danny G back today." I smiled. 

"And I just wanted to make a quick video, explaining some things. First off, I'm no longer on the Magcon tour. Meeting you all was sooo much fun. But there are some people on said tour that really need a chance to grow up. I'm not naming any names. Second, The Magcon tour is still going on and doing the rest of the dates. All the guys are still there. It's just me that left."

There was a knock on my door and my dad peeked his head in, "You left your phone on the counter. Someone from the tour."

I stood and grabbed my phone, "Thanks."

"Hello?" I asked. 

"Hey, it's Matt."

"I'm sorry, I'm in the middle of something. I can't talk." 

I hung up.

"So yeah, that's just a quick update on me and the tour." I smiled then covered the camera lense and turned it off.

I edited the video then uploaded it. Matt called about four more times. Aaron tried once.  

I started putting my stuff away from my bags when Taylor called. 

I answered, putting the phone to my ear. 

"Hey Taylor."

"It's not Taylor." Aaron said. 

"Look, I denied your call for a reason. I'm sorry, but I gotta go."

I hung up again and continued. 

When the night hit ten, I had already passed out. 

have any of you watched the maze runner? or teen wolf???

1)i have a teen wolf book called "angel" out right now. So go check that out

2) I wanna write a maze runner book but Idk

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