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The next day we were all at Walmart doing some shopping. J and I went to the kids aisle. I grabbed a light up lightsaber. I turned it on and poked J with it. He grabbed one and we started battling. I laughed as he pulled mine and I bumped into him. He took my lightsaber and kissed me.

"Aren't you just so cute." He said. 

I placed my hand on his cheek. 

"I dare you to jump into that ball thing." I said and pointed.

He looked over his shoulder. 


He handed me his phone. I unlocked it and went to vine. 


He nodded.

"Go." I started recording as he jumped it. I laughed and stopped it.

He climbed out and grabbed his phone. He kissed my cheek. I laughed as he started walking. 

"There's my favorite secret couple." Someone said, breaking between us, putting their arms around us. I saw Skate.

"What do you mean?" I asked, acting confused. 

"Saw you kissing."

"Well dang." I said.

"Sammy and I got your brother to go look at movies."

"Thanks Skate." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"No need." He said. 

We walked back to my brother and started looking at movies. 

"You and JJ need to be more careful." Sammy whispered in my ear.

"Skate told me." I whispered back.

He looked at me, "Will you come with me to look at bikes. I'm thinking about getting one."

"Yeah, sure."

We walked away over to the bike area.

"So I know you don't want a bike. What did you want."

"I wanted to know what you see in Jack."

"What do you mean?"

"What makes him so attractive?"

"He's just sweet, cute, funny, we have a lot of things in common."

"What about me?" He asked. 

"What?" I asked as I stopped. 

He pulled me in a staff room. 

"I mean, I like you." He said, pushing me against the wall.

"Sammy." I said. "Jack and I are dating."

"You know you'd have a better chance telling your brother you were dating me versus Johnson."

"I can't." I said, pushing past him.

"Please." He said. "Give me a kiss."


He pushed me against the wall, and kissed me.

I sunk into the kiss. He tilted his head the other way and started lifting my shirt.

"Sammy." I said and pulled away.

"You weren't enjoying that?"

"We need to go." I said. I walked out, fixing my face. I saw the guys heading to the front. I ran over and jumped on J's back.

"Hey Hey." 

"Where's Sammy?" My brother asked.

I looked over my shoulder and saw him walking. 

"Right there."

He turned, "Okay."

My brother bought whatever he got and we went to his car. 

"Shotgun!" I yelled and took off running. 

"No way!" J yelled and ran after me. I opened the door and J grabbed my waist and pulled me back. He climbed in the front. 

"Butt head." I said and punched his chest. 

"Ow." He said, grabbing my hand. 

I smiled and shut the door. I climbed in the middle of the backseat.

Skate sat to my left and Sammy to my right. Sammy slipped his hand on to my thigh. I looked down and at him, but he was texting. I elbowed Skate. He looked at me, I looked down at Sammy's hand.

"So Johnson. Gilinsky. Have you guys decided what you're gonna do after Magcon?"

J turned as Sammy took his hand off my thigh. 

"Not sure, guess we gotta decide." My brother said.

"Thanks." I whispered to Skate.

"We need music." I annouced. I unbuckled and leaned forward across the center consol and turned on the radio. Perfect Picture by Bea Miller came on. I looked at J and smiled. I sat back and buckled myself back in.

I hummed along. Sammy was laughing at me. 

" You come right out of no where, spin me all around." I sang. "How did you make my world come crashing down?"

My brother pulled up to the house. 

"I gotta go take J to his parents house for dinner." My brother said.  

I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. I kissed J's cheek too. My face flushed. 

"Good luck guys." I said and climbed out.  We closed the doors and went inside.

"Dude, you almost got caught." Skate said. 

"I'm sorry, force of habit."

"Well I'm tired as shit, so I'm gonna nap in your brothers room." Sammy said and walked upstairs. 

"I'm gonna be in my room." I said and went up the stairs to my room. Sammy slid off his shirt in front of the door, then his pants. I glanced at him. 

No, I can't. I turned and went into my room. I lifted my sweatshirt over my head. I t pulled my shirt up slightly. 

"You're really hot." I heard Sammy's voice. 

"You're supposed to be taking a nap." I said, turning. He was in joggers now, no shirt on.

"Our kiss earlier." He said. "If you tell Johnson, I reveal everything to your brother."

"Black mail." I chuckled. "Smart."

"Also, Skate is on to me. But I still think you're hot." 

"I'm not gonna date you."

"Don't have to." He said. "You know Gilinsky tells me a lot of things. Like I know about you having sex. And Johnson tells me a lot of things. Like I know that he's the one you've been having sex with."

"If you're implying I have sex with you it's not happening."

"Maybe not right now. But soon."

"What happened to my sweet, best friend?"

He shrugged.

I pushed him out of my room and locked my door. I grabbed my phone and dialed J's number. 

"Hello?" He asked. 

"Are you at your parents?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I'm in my room."

"When you get back, I wanna get everyone out of the house."

"Oh, I see." He said. "But I won't be back over there until the day after tomorrow."

"I'll come over tonight, after everyones asleep."

"Okay." He said, I could feel the smile through the phone.

I hung up and sat down on my bed.

What happened to Sammy?

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